Status and Correspond Scrip

Is there a way to initiate a scrip based on both a specific status change
and if the transaction type is correspond?

Is there a way to initiate a scrip based on both a specific status
change and if the transaction type is correspond?

List info: The rt-devel Archives
Yes - when you create the scrip, you specify the Condition - what
transaction type it changes TO and in the “Custom action preparation
code” you put in code to validate that the status change meets your
requirements, and if not, return 0. This will then allow or prevent the
main scrip body from running, depending on your requirements.

Hope that helps!

Andy D’Arcy Jewell

SysMicro Limited
Linux Support
T: 0844 9918804
M: 07961605631

Is there a way to initiate a scrip based on both a specific status change
and if the transaction type is correspond?

Correspond and status change are two different transactions. Only
scrips in transaction
batch stage can deal with such cases.

List info: The rt-devel Archives

Best regards, Ruslan.