StaticRoots doesn't seem to work in RT 4.4.4

Hi folks,

I’m using RT 4.4.4 and I’ve been trying to use StaticRoots, like this:

Set( @StaticRoots,
path => qr{^/stuff/},
root => ‘/usr/share/stuff’,

but it seems to have no effect. Pointing the browser to anything under /stuff just causes RT to return “The page you requested could not be found”. Is there anything else I need to do, besides just restarting apache?

Testing the following works for me:

Set( @StaticRoots,
    path => qr{^/stuff/},
    root => '/local/static/',
 $ ls local/statics

Tested URL:


Thanks. I seem to have just been the victim of a bad rewrite rule in .htaccess. All is well now.

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