Squelching autoreply to specific requestors


I’ve done my googling, digging through perldocs, the wiki, the list
archive, the RT Essentials book but haven’t figured out how to do
this. I want to send auto-replies to all users when new tickets are
created except for a few specific users who have requested NOT to
receive such responses. I figured the easiest way to do this was to
add a custom action preparation code to the default autoreply on
create scrip checking the requestor email like so:

return 0 if $self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses() =~ ‘acoco@i2c.com’;
return 1;

I have tried many other variants, this one C&P nearly verbatim from
the Wiki:

return 0 if $self->TicketObj->IsWatcher(
Type => ‘Requestor’, Email => ‘acoco@i2c.com’
return 1;

Any advice greatly appreciated.



You could easily create a group containing all the users that SHOULD
receive an email and then add that group as a CC Watcher to whatever
queue you’re talking about and then make sure you have a scrip to
“Notify CC’s” on create for that queue. Hope this helps.

LBNLOn 10/9/2009 11:36 AM, Coco, Alex wrote:


I’ve done my googling, digging through perldocs, the wiki, the list
archive, the RT Essentials book but haven’t figured out how to do
this. I want to send auto-replies to all users when new tickets are
created except for a few specific users who have requested NOT to
receive such responses. I figured the easiest way to do this was to
add a custom action preparation code to the default autoreply on
create scrip checking the requestor email like so:

return 0 if $self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses() =~ ‘acoco@i2c.com
mailto:'acoco@i2c.com’; return 1;

I have tried many other variants, this one C&P nearly verbatim from
the Wiki:

return 0 if $self->TicketObj->IsWatcher(
Type => ‘Requestor’, Email => ‘acoco@i2c.com mailto:'acoco@i2c.com
return 1;

Any advice greatly appreciated.


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I’ve done my googling, digging through perldocs, the wiki, the list archive,
the RT Essentials book but haven’t figured out how to do this. I want to
send auto-replies to all users when new tickets are created except for a few
specific users who have requested NOT to receive such responses. I figured
the easiest way to do this was to add a custom action preparation code to
the default autoreply on create scrip checking the requestor email like so:
return 0 if $self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses() =~ ‘acoco@i2c.com’;
See also my recent post, and contribution to the wiki on not copying users
outside of the domain after the initial response. You ought to be able to adapt
it to suit your needs.

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I’ve done my googling, digging through perldocs, the wiki, the list
archive, the RT Essentials book but haven’t figured out how to do
this. I want to send auto-replies to all users when new tickets are
created except for a few specific users who have requested NOT to
receive such responses. I figured the easiest way to do this was to
add a custom action preparation code to the default autoreply on
create scrip checking the requestor email like so:
I have a global scrip to do this:
Condition: User Defined
Action: Autoreply to Requestors
Template: Autoreply
State: TransactionCreate

and the condition is:

my @exceptionList = (

my $transactionType = $self->TransactionObj->Type;
my $ticketRequestor = lc($self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses);

if ($transactionType eq ‘Create’) {
for (@exceptionList) {
return if ($ticketRequestor eq lc(“$_”));

wildcard matches

return if ($ticketRequestor =~ m/^mailer-daemon@/i);
return if ($ticketRequestor =~ m/^postmaster@/i);
return if ($ticketRequestor =~ m/^noreply@/i);
return if ($ticketRequestor =~ m/@sendyourfeedback.com/i);
return 1;