SpawnLinkedTicketInQueue - Message Body is missing


I implemented the RT-Extension-SpawnLinkedTicketInQueue on RT4 and when
I create Parent or Child in another queue, the requestor and the subject
are populated, but the body of the message is empty.
Any clue where I can look to fix this or is it the way the extension
works ?


Stephane Masse

I implemented the RT-Extension-SpawnLinkedTicketInQueue on RT4 and when I create Parent or
Child in another queue, the requestor and the subject are populated, but the body of the
message is empty.
Any clue where I can look to fix this or is it the way the extension works ?

If you have a ticket with 100 correspondences, how would it know which
one to copy?

If you want to copy data from an existing ticket, you likely want one of
the other extensions, such as
withdata but that may require updating to be 4.0 compatible.
