Solution for the different mailserver<->webserver problem


we got here the problem that our webserver is not our mail server. So
you have to transfer the incoming mails to your RT-server to so you can
pipe it to ‘rt-mailgate’.

You have several options to do so:

  • piping via SSH and identifing user key (no comment on that ‘solution’)

  • The RT3-server could pull the tickets via POP3 from the mail server.
    Personaly I think it’s bad because you have a delay between an incoming
    mail and the appearance in the ticket system. This is bad if a
    customers sends a ticket and calls nearly at the same time.

  • You can put the mail via the modul Frontier::RPC2[1] to a cgi-bin
    ‘RPC-daemon backend’ which feeds the mail to the ticket system.

Application chain:

  1. Mailserver feeds the mail to

  2. connects via HTTP (you can use HTTPS of course)

  3. pipes the mail to bin/rt-mailgate.


a) Short perl scripts (total 200 lines)
b) SpamAssassin-check is included too (other checks can be included very
c) simple code
d) fail-safe
e) authentification via a plain password (which is quite enough for this
f) “real-time”

The scripts are working out-of-the-box for qmail but they will fit very
easy in your enviroment. If you are interested drop me a mail.

[1]Frontier::RPC2 - encode/decode RPC2 format XML -

So long… Fuzz

Erik Wasser wrote:


we got here the problem that our webserver is not our mail server. So
you have to transfer the incoming mails to your RT-server to so you can
pipe it to ‘rt-mailgate’.

You have several options to do so:

  • piping via SSH and identifing user key (no comment on that ‘solution’)

  • The RT3-server could pull the tickets via POP3 from the mail server.
    Personaly I think it’s bad because you have a delay between an incoming
    mail and the appearance in the ticket system. This is bad if a
    customers sends a ticket and calls nearly at the same time.

  • You can put the mail via the modul Frontier::RPC2[1] to a cgi-bin
    ‘RPC-daemon backend’ which feeds the mail to the ticket system.

another option:
you can copy rt-mailgate script to mailserver.
install deps:

perl -e ‘install Getopt::Long’ -MCPAN
perl -e ‘install LWP’ -MCPAN
perl -e ‘install HTML::TreeBuilder’ -MCPAN
perl -e ‘install HTML::FormatText’ -MCPAN

optional if you need ‘help’ argument.

perl -e ‘install Pod::Usage’ -MCPAN

set aliases and be happy.

			Best regards. Ruslan.