Small performance improvements on displaying tickets with much text


Finally had some time to merge changes into Text::Quoted. Now code is
much cleaner and I tried to improve its performance a little. My tests
show that it’s 1.5x faster now on middle size texts(10-30 lines with
2-3 levels of quoting). I don’t expect rendering of the tickets’
history page to be 1.5x faster, but anyway it should be faster.

Version 2.02_01 is available from the CPAN, but it’s a development
release so you have to install it manually to try:

tar -xzvf Text-Quoted-2.02_01.tar.gz
cd Text-Quoted-2.02_01
perl Makefile.PL && make && make test
sudo make install
stop and start web server.

NOTE: that if there wouldn’t be regressions reported during next week
then I’ll release version 2.03 to the CPAN, so it’s your chance to
check that everything works fine.

Best regards, Ruslan.

Not much feedback, but Text::Quoted 2.03 will be available from the
CPAN near you soon.On 10/28/07, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:


Finally had some time to merge changes into Text::Quoted. Now code is
much cleaner and I tried to improve its performance a little. My tests
show that it’s 1.5x faster now on middle size texts(10-30 lines with
2-3 levels of quoting). I don’t expect rendering of the tickets’
history page to be 1.5x faster, but anyway it should be faster.

Version 2.02_01 is available from the CPAN, but it’s a development
release so you have to install it manually to try:

tar -xzvf Text-Quoted-2.02_01.tar.gz
cd Text-Quoted-2.02_01
perl Makefile.PL && make && make test
sudo make install
stop and start web server.

NOTE: that if there wouldn’t be regressions reported during next week
then I’ll release version 2.03 to the CPAN, so it’s your chance to
check that everything works fine.

Best regards, Ruslan.

Best regards, Ruslan.