Slow Bulk Update Display Screen

Hi Guys,

I have an RT3.8.7 deployments (I know, we’re still a little behind).

The system is pretty nippy, even with Tickets closing in on 3millions
in the MySQL DB.

An issue has recently cropped up where using “Bulk Update” on the web
interface takes extremely long to load, it’s only this that is slow.
The database seems to finish with the query but it still takes an age
to render. If I perform an strace on http during the time I see plenty

select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
wait4(-1, 0x7fff037646ec, WNOHANG|WSTOPPED, NULL) = 0
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
wait4(-1, 0x7fff037646ec, WNOHANG|WSTOPPED, NULL) = 0
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
wait4(-1, 0x7fff037646ec, WNOHANG|WSTOPPED, NULL) = 0
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
wait4(-1, 0x7fff037646ec, WNOHANG|WSTOPPED, NULL) = 0

The above goes on and on and on…

Any thoughts on where I can snoop to find out what’s going on to cause this?



Hi Guys,

I have an RT3.8.7 deployments (I know, we’re still a little behind).

The system is pretty nippy, even with Tickets closing in on 3millions
in the MySQL DB.

An issue has recently cropped up where using “Bulk Update” on the web
interface takes extremely long to load, it’s only this that is slow.
The database seems to finish with the query but it still takes an age
to render. If I perform an strace on http during the time I see plenty

select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
wait4(-1, 0x7fff037646ec, WNOHANG|WSTOPPED, NULL) = 0
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
wait4(-1, 0x7fff037646ec, WNOHANG|WSTOPPED, NULL) = 0
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
wait4(-1, 0x7fff037646ec, WNOHANG|WSTOPPED, NULL) = 0
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
wait4(-1, 0x7fff037646ec, WNOHANG|WSTOPPED, NULL) = 0

The above goes on and on and on…

Any thoughts on where I can snoop to find out what’s going on to cause this?

Grep for MasonX::Profiler in the config. Enable it and you would be
able to understand which mason component cause slowdown.

Mysql slow log may help as well.



RT Training Sessions (

  • Boston March 5 & 6, 2012

Best regards, Ruslan.