Since upgrading to 3.6.6 can only set owner of ticket to nobody


Since upgrading to RT 3.6.6 the only option users have when setting
the owner of a ticket under “Basic” settings is “nobody”.

Tickets created by the user do not have the user set as the owner when
using the “New ticket in” button at the top of the “home” page.

Even the root user has the same issue.

Existing tickets which already have an owner assigned will come up
with an option other than “nobody”.

Interestingly, the “Quick ticket creation” section at the bottom of
the “home” page does have the user pre-selected as the owner.

Under 3.6.5, the user would at least have the option to select their
own ID as the owner of the ticket when changing the owner after the
ticket had been created.

I’ve attached output from “System Configuration” listing our perl
modules and versions.

We are also using RTFM 2.2.1.

The upgrade was a complete uninstall of 3.6.5 followed by a complete
re-install of 3.6.6 so the mason caches were created from scratch.

Any ideas as to what might be going wrong?

Kind regards,


PerlModulesAndVersions.txt (4.38 KB)


Check your Perl module dependencies. I had the same problem and it
turned out that perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder needed and update to the latest
version. Download the src tar.gz and do a ‘configure’ & ‘make testdeps’
to see if you are missing modules required.


Ton-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Geoff
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 5:06 AM
Subject: [rt-users] Since upgrading to 3.6.6 can only set owner of
ticket tonobody


Since upgrading to RT 3.6.6 the only option users have when setting the
owner of a ticket under “Basic” settings is “nobody”.

Tickets created by the user do not have the user set as the owner when
using the “New ticket in” button at the top of the “home” page.

Even the root user has the same issue.

Existing tickets which already have an owner assigned will come up with
an option other than “nobody”.

Interestingly, the “Quick ticket creation” section at the bottom of the
“home” page does have the user pre-selected as the owner.

Under 3.6.5, the user would at least have the option to select their own
ID as the owner of the ticket when changing the owner after the ticket
had been created.

I’ve attached output from “System Configuration” listing our perl
modules and versions.

We are also using RTFM 2.2.1.

The upgrade was a complete uninstall of 3.6.5 followed by a complete
re-install of 3.6.6 so the mason caches were created from scratch.

Any ideas as to what might be going wrong?

Kind regards,


Hi Ton/Jesse,On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 09:36:48 pm you wrote:

Check your Perl module dependencies. I had the same problem and it
turned out that perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder needed and update to the
latest version. Download the src tar.gz and do a ‘configure’ &
‘make testdeps’ to see if you are missing modules required.

You are both correct. It was the DBIx-SearchBuilder module that
was causing the problem.

Thanks and kind regards,
