Simple search not finding words in subjects?

Hi all,
My boss said he couldn’t find a ticket that he thought he should be able to
find. He was searching a customer name, let’s say Custname. I thought at
first the problem was that the ticket was resolved, but I was wrong.

The problem appears to be that simple search is looking for “content like
“searchTerm””. When I changed it to “subject like “searchTerm””, the ticket
in question came right up.

I guess I need to set simple search to look for “content like “searchTerm”
OR subject like “searchTerm””. But I see no way to customize the simple
search query in the configuration options. Is this possible? If so, what’s
the recommended way? In case it matters, we do have full text indexing on.
RT4.4.1 on Debian 8. Thanks!

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department

Hi all,
My boss said he couldn’t find a ticket that he thought he should be able to
find. He was searching a customer name, let’s say Custname. I thought at
first the problem was that the ticket was resolved, but I was wrong.

The problem appears to be that simple search is looking for “content like
“searchTerm””. When I changed it to “subject like “searchTerm””, the ticket
in question came right up.

I guess I need to set simple search to look for “content like “searchTerm”
OR subject like “searchTerm””. But I see no way to customize the simple
search query in the configuration options. Is this possible?


If so, what’s

the recommended way?

Use a callback. In fact, use this one:


I don’t see us using this callback in our current RT installation, but
here is the contents of our callback for our legacy (3.8) install. It
doesn’t do what you are asking about, but it should give you a feel
for the callback.

cat /usr/local/share/request-tracker3.8/plugins/RT-Site-UMN-Duluth/html/Callbacks/RT-Site-UMN-Duluth/Search/Simple.html/ModifyQuery
my %statuses;
if (RT->Config->Get(“ActiveStatus”)) {
%statuses = map { $_ => 1 } RT->Config->Get(“ActiveStatus”); # Put
active statuses into our hash
if (RT->Config->Get(“InactiveStatus”)) {
%statuses = (map({ $_ => 1 } RT->Config->Get(“InactiveStatus”)),
%statuses); # Put inactive statuses into our hash

my $all_statuses = join “|”, keys %statuses;

delete $statuses{rejected};
delete $statuses{deleted};
my $statuses_we_care_about = join " ", keys %statuses;

if ‘query’ does not have a status word in the query or is not

strictly a number

then prepend some statuses to the query

if ($$query !~ /\b(?:$all_statuses)\b|^\s*\d+\s*$/i ) {
$$query = “$statuses_we_care_about $$query”;
$query => undef
