Simple Search in SelfService - Location of the Display.html URL?


I managed to enable the SimpleSearch (upper right corner box) for my
Customers by copying parts of index.html to SelfService/index.html.

If works so far as that I can see a proper result list. Sadly the URLs
all show “/rt/Ticket/Display.html?..” instead of
“/rt/SelfService/Ticket/Display.html?..” and if the customer clicks on
them the view resets to “/index.html” as it’s an invalid URL for a
customer (at least I guess so).

Which page is responsible for generating the URL string? I cannot find



Christian Hammers WESTEND GmbH | Internet-Business-Provider
Technik CISCO Systems Partner - Authorized Reseller
Lï¿œtticher Straï¿œe 10 Tel 0241/701333-11 D-52064 Aachen Fax 0241/911879

Search form is in

You can look in
how RT handle SelfService path.

Christian Hammers wrote:

HelloOn Sat, Nov 27, 2004 at 11:28:17AM +0300, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:

Search form is in

No, that’s only the jump-to-ticket-number field that the SelfService
Screen has per default instead of a subject-search.

I want to enable the subject-search that privileged users have for my
unprivileged guests, too.

The only problematic piece of code was
Set ($DefaultSearchResultFormat, qq{
in /etc/request-tracker3.2/ which, of course, does not work
within the restricted SelfService Area.

I changed the relevant URLs in SelfService/index.html, SelfService/Search/SimpleSearch and
SelfService/Elements/TicketList and now have my search :slight_smile:



Christian Hammers WESTEND GmbH | Internet-Business-Provider
Technik CISCO Systems Partner - Authorized Reseller
Lï¿œtticher Straï¿œe 10 Tel 0241/701333-11 D-52064 Aachen Fax 0241/911879