Dear RT Users,
during the last time more and more users told me about a strange problem with our Setup - in short: depending on the connected Webserver, they cannot see all Queues!
1 x Database ( MySQL 5.0.67 )
2 x Webserver ( Apache, FastCGI ) Server 2 is a clone/copy of Server 1
2 x Loadbalancer
This Setup is running since several years, the only change was the Loadbalancer in front (before we did it with DND Round Robin).
Since some weeks we covered the problem on WebServer 2 (the clone of Server 1). If a user is connected to this server and if the users has changed his view for Quicksearch (e.g. disabled some queues) he is not able to see all of the enabled queues! If the same user is moved to the First Server, the displayed view is ok.
If the user on Server 2 is deaktivating and reactivating the queues for Quicksearch it is running fine again…for a while.
Any ideas where to start debugging?
I’ve compared both servers (intalled RPM, installed CPAN Modules and the whole RT directory byte by byte) and only some differences found in hostsnames and IP Settings (which i expected)
At this moment i have really no idea where to start! Any help is appreciated.
Kuehne + Nagel (AG & Co.) KG, Geschaeftsleitung: Hans-Georg Brinkmann (Vors.), Uwe Bielang (Stellv.), Bruno Mang, Dirk Blesius (Stellv.), Alfred Manke, Christian Marnetté (Stellv.), Mark Reinhardt (Stellv.), Jens Wollesen, Rainer Wunn, Sitz: Bremen, Registergericht: Bremen, HRA 21928, USt-IdNr.: DE 812773878, Persoenlich haftende Gesellschaft: Kuehne & Nagel A.G., Sitz: Contern/Luxemburg Geschaeftsfuehrender Verwaltungsrat: Klaus-Michael Kuehne