Show all CC email address on email

Dear All,

Does anyone know how to show all CC email address on the ticket itself when email out?

Thomas Lau
Senior Technology Analyst
Principle One Limited
27/F Kinwick Centre, 32 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong
T +852 3555 2217 F +852 3555 2222 M +852 9880 1217
Hong Kong . Singapore . Tokyo

Does anyone know how to show all CC email address on the ticket itself
when email out?

what do you mean by CC: permanent ticket/queue CC or CC filled when
responding/commenting a ticket?

→ permanent ticket Cc are visible on “People” box on the ticket display
→ respond/comment Cc are visible in ticket history, in this
respond/comment headers as RT-Send-CC

what do you mean by showing it? In RT ticket or in outgoing e-mail?

→ in RT: see above
→ in outgoing e-mail, for permanent ticket/queue Cc, you can’t, RT send
mail to them using Bcc and the To: header just show that it is sent to
“Ticket Ccs”
→ in outgoing e-mail, for respond/comment Cc, you show them in the Cc

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