This is a patch to RT-3.4.2 share/html/SelfService/Elements/Tabs
to drop directly to the Create screen if the user only has access
to a single queue. Otherwise the tree of queues will be displayed.
Ken Marshall
diff share/html/SelfService/Elements/Tabs local/html/SelfService/Elements/Tabs
my $queues = RT::Queues->new($session{‘CurrentUser’});
my $queue_count = 0;
my $queue_id = 1;
while (my $queue = $queues->Next) {
next unless $queue->CurrentUserHasRight(‘CreateTicket’);
$queue_id = $queue->id;
last if ($queue_count > 1);
< },
< C => { title => loc(‘New ticket’),
< path => ‘SelfService/CreateTicketInQueue.html’
< }
Please send diff -u
Kenneth Marshall wrote:
This is a patch to RT-3.4.2 share/html/SelfService/Elements/Tabs
to drop directly to the Create screen if the user only has access
to a single queue. Otherwise the tree of queues will be displayed.
Ken Marshall
Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
Please send diff -u
Since Ken is Real Busy getting our RT 3.4 installation up and running, I’ll
post his diff:
Kenneth Marshall wrote:
This is a patch to RT-3.4.2 share/html/SelfService/Elements/Tabs
to drop directly to the Create screen if the user only has access
to a single queue. Otherwise the tree of queues will be displayed.
Ken Marshall
diff -u share/html/SelfService/Elements/Tabs local/html/SelfService/Elements/Tabs
— share/html/SelfService/Elements/Tabs 2005-05-02 12:25:35.000000000 -0500
+++ local/html/SelfService/Elements/Tabs 2005-06-10 07:36:06.000000000 -0500
@@ -52,6 +52,18 @@
+my $queues = RT::Queues->new($session{‘CurrentUser’});
+my $queue_count = 0;
+my $queue_id = 1;
+while (my $queue = $queues->Next) {
- next unless $queue->CurrentUserHasRight(‘CreateTicket’);
- $queue_id = $queue->id;
- $queue_count++;
- last if ($queue_count > 1);
if ($Title) {
$Title = loc (“RT Self Service”) . " / " . $Title;
@@ -65,11 +77,19 @@
B => { title => loc(‘Closed tickets’),
path => ‘SelfService/Closed.html’,
+if ($queue_count > 1) {
+} else {
if ($session{‘CurrentUser’}->HasRight( Right => ‘ModifySelf’,
Object => $RT::System )) {
$tabs->{Z} = { title => loc(‘Preferences’),
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