Segmentation fault Problem

Hi, all

I’ve successfully gone through the steps to do a manual installation of
rt-3.6.3. However, I’ve run into a problem during the make initialize-database phase. I get a Segmentation fault during the
creation of the RT_System user. Command output:

/usr/bin/perl //opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --dba root
In order to create or update your RT database,this script needs to
connect to your mysql instance on bo01 as root.
Please specify that user’s database password below. If the user has no
password, just press return.

Now creating a database for RT.
Creating mysql database rt3.
Now populating database schema.
Creating database schema.
Done setting up database schema.
Now inserting database ACLs
Done setting up database ACLs.
Now inserting RT core system objects
Checking for existing system user…not found. This appears to be a new
Creating system user…make: *** [initialize-database] Segmentation fault

I’ve searched the archives and haven’t come up with anything specific to
this problem. Searching Google came up with a reference to an older
version of rt (rt-3.2.x) that had an identical error. It suggested
rebuilding DBI and DBD::mysql (which I have done), but I continue to
experience the same problem. Unfortunately, Perl is exactly my
strong-point. So, I’m kind of at a loss. Any ideas or suggestions are
greatly appreciated!

Randy Thompson

Check your for LogToDir and LogToFile… I was
thinking I saw this and once I configured that, it worked.

Don Beethe wrote:

Check your for LogToDir and LogToFile… I was
thinking I saw this and once I configured that, it worked.

Thanks, Don!

You at least got me going in the right direction. I couldn’t find an
entry for LogToDir - you probably meant LogDir. Anyway, this led me to a
post by Lidio Presutti that showed the following changes to*

Set($LogToSyslog , ‘debug’);
Set($LogToFile , undef);


Set($LogToSyslog , undef);
Set($LogToFile , ‘debug’);

I made the following changes in from the defaults to:

Mail loops will generate a critical log message.

Set($LogToSyslog , ‘debug’);
Set($LogToScreen , ‘error’);
Set($LogToFile , ‘info’);
Set($LogDir, ‘/opt/rt3/var/log’);
Set($LogToFileNamed , “rt.log”); #log to rt.log

This got me to thinking about rt.log, too. So, I did a touch /opt/rt3/var/log/rt.log and changed the ownership to the rt
user and the group rt.

After that, everything just kind of fell into place. Thanks, again!

Randy Thompson

Hi Randy

I’ve successfully gone through the steps to do a manual
installation of
rt-3.6.3. However, I’ve run into a problem during the make initialize-database phase. I get a Segmentation fault during the
creation of the RT_System user. Command output:

/usr/bin/perl //opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --dba
In order to create or update your RT database,this script needs to
connect to your mysql instance on bo01 as root.
Please specify that user’s database password below. If the user has no
password, just press return.

Now creating a database for RT.
Creating mysql database rt3.
Now populating database schema.
Creating database schema.
Done setting up database schema.
Now inserting database ACLs
Done setting up database ACLs.
Now inserting RT core system objects
Checking for existing system user…not found. This appears to be
a new
Creating system user…make: *** [initialize-database] Segmentation

I’ve seen this happen on solaris machines, but I don’t think you’ve
what platform you’re using.

If you’re on solaris, you want to have a look at the docs around
@LogToSyslogConf in /opt/rt3/etc/ and add
(socket => inet) to your


Kevin Falcone wrote:

Hi Randy

I’ve successfully gone through the steps to do a manual installation of
rt-3.6.3. However, I’ve run into a problem during the make initialize-database phase. I get a Segmentation fault during the
creation of the RT_System user. Command output:

/usr/bin/perl //opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --dba root
In order to create or update your RT database,this script needs to
connect to your mysql instance on bo01 as root.
Please specify that user’s database password below. If the user has no
password, just press return.

Now creating a database for RT.
Creating mysql database rt3.
Now populating database schema.
Creating database schema.
Done setting up database schema.
Now inserting database ACLs
Done setting up database ACLs.
Now inserting RT core system objects
Checking for existing system user…not found. This appears to be a new
Creating system user…make: *** [initialize-database] Segmentation

I’ve seen this happen on solaris machines, but I don’t think you’ve
what platform you’re using.

If you’re on solaris, you want to have a look at the docs around
@LogToSyslogConf in /opt/rt3/etc/ and add
(socket => inet) to your


Hi, Kevin,

Thanks for the reply! You’re right. I should have said what platform I
was using (Linux). I managed to get the configuration worked out
thanks to a combination of information I got from Don Beethe and some
additional information on-line. I just couldn’t see the forest for
the tree thanks to a 12-hour day. Don got me pointed in the right
direction. I replied to the list so the changes I made should be available.

Thanks, again, to everyone who responded!

Randy Thompson