Searching for CustomFields

Hi there,

is there a way to search for Terms in CustomFields in the Tickets?
Would be very nice to have.


signature.asc (197 Bytes)

Only I have found that is possible when you use a queue that has
the custom fields of that queue.

The steps are:

1.- Show results
2.- Edit search
→ I can search by custom fields of that queue.

Surely I’m doing a huge error :frowning: :frowning:


Alberto Villanueva

C/Campezo, 1, Edificio 1, Planta 4
28022 Madrid, Spain
Tel : + 34 91 550 41 00
Fax: + 34 91 415 61 53

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We have also some custom fields for some queues. To have it available in the
Tickets search, perform this steps:

  1. Chose the appropriate Queue ( on which custom fields are created, if they
    are not global )
  2. Hit add these therms
  3. Customer field will be then available in the search and you can choose
    then the searching term

I hope it’s sufficient for you :slight_smile:

Br, Miroslav
View this message in context:

We have also some custom fields for some queues. To have it available
in the Tickets search, perform this steps:

  1. Chose the appropriate Queue ( on which custom fields are created,
    if they are not global )
  2. Hit add these therms
  3. Customer field will be then available in the search and you can
    choose then the searching term

I hope it’s sufficient for you :slight_smile:

Great! That what I needed. :slight_smile:


signature.asc (197 Bytes)