Searching by Custom Field in the GUI Simple Search

Hello All,

Some of my team have been asking how to use the simple search to search against a custom field. We have a field called Customer that is in all our queues. They want to be able to simply enter a customer name in a list all the related tickets. I am running RT 5.0.5 and RTIR 5.0.4.


In the text for Simple Search on RT 5.x it says, “CFs may be searched using a similar syntax as above with cf.Name:value.”

So if you have a custom field called “Customer” and want to find all of those customers called “Toby” try searching for cf.Customer:Toby

Thanks. I have tried that with no luck.

Odd because I tried it on our 5.x test server before I posted that (though in my case it was ). Do you get any errors in your logs when you do the search?

Ok just realized what I may be doing wrong. Do you actually need the “cf” in front of the field name? Not at a computer right now but will try this.

Yes, that’s what tells it you’re after a custom field.