Search say one number of tickets but show less

I have been setting up an RT 3.2.3 installation where different
groups of users have access to different queues.

The problem I have is on that front page where it says " 10 newest
unowned tickets" on the front page it shows less than ten tickets.
When you click through it will say something like 85 tickets at the
top but only show five per page – even though the number per page is
greater than the number displayed.

I have found a bug in the bug database:

which is similar and the fix provided does work.

Is this the correct fix (which is over a year old and not
acknowledged) or am I doing something wrong. Telling me I should use
is 3.4.x is an option but does it solve the problem?


I have been setting up an RT 3.2.3 installation where different
groups of users have access to different queues.

The problem I have is on that front page where it says " 10 newest
unowned tickets" on the front page it shows less than ten tickets.
When you click through it will say something like 85 tickets at the
top but only show five per page – even though the number per page is
greater than the number displayed.

I have found a bug in the bug database:

which is similar and the fix provided does work.

Is this the correct fix (which is over a year old and not
acknowledged) or am I doing something wrong.

That fix has some fairly intense performance implications, especially on
larger databases. We’ve been discussing better ways to do this, but
don’t have anything for you yet.