Search results not showing in RT 2.0.0

Hello all,

in the effort of localizing RT to the german language, I managed to break
the displaying of search results. In fact, the listing of search results
keeps showing no matches, although the Quicksearch listing shows open and
new tickets.

I tried moving the directory /opt/rt2/local/WebRT/html/Search out of the
way, which did not improve the situation. So it seems I mangled,
where I had to change some WebOptions to have the web interface speak
german to me. The relevant changes are seen below.

I hope someone else will see what I did wrong since I can’t quite concentrate
after a day of translating RT Mason Elements and skeleton html files.


----the WebOptions part of my
#This is from tobias’ prototype web search UI. it may stay and it may go.
# This is for putting in more user-actions at the Transaction
# bar. I will typically add “Enter bug in Bugzilla” here.:
ExtraTransactionActions => sub { return “”; },

 # Here you can modify the list view.  Be aware that the web
 # interface might crash if TicketAttribute is wrongly set.
 # Consult the docs (if somebody is going to write them?) your
 # local RT hacker or eventually the rt-users / rt-devel
 # mailinglists
 QueueListingCols =>
   { Header     => 'Id',
     TicketLink => 1,
     TicketAttribute => 'Id'

  { Header     => 'Betreff',
     TicketAttribute => 'Subject'
   { Header => 'Anfrage von',
     TicketAttribute => 'RequestorsAsString'
   { Header => 'Status',
     TicketAttribute => 'Status'

   { Header => 'Queue',
     TicketAttribute => 'QueueObj->Name'

   { Header => 'Letzter Kontakt',
     TicketAttribute => 'LongSinceToldAsString'

   { Header => 'Alter',
     TicketAttribute => 'AgeAsString'

   { Header => 'Letzter Vorgang',
     TicketAttribute => 'LongSinceUpdateAsString'

   # TODO: It would be nice with a link here to the Owner and all
   # other request owned by this Owner.
   { Header => 'Verantwortlich',
     TicketAttribute => 'OwnerObj->Name'

   { Header     => '�bernehmen',
     TicketLink => 1,
     Constant   => 'Take',
     ExtraLinks => '&Action=Take'



Harald Wagener | Systemadministrator
FCB/Wilkens GmbH | Tel.:+49-40-2881-1252
An der Alster 42 | Fax.:+49-40-2881-1263
20099 Hamburg |

Hello all,

in the effort of localizing RT to the german language,

Cool! We should chat about the right way to do this long-term to
get RT properly internationalized so all future localizers have to do
is edit a ‘dictionary’ file to localize RT into a new language.

I managed to break
the displaying of search results. In fact, the listing of search results
keeps showing no matches, although the Quicksearch listing shows open and
new tickets.

There’s a chance that you’re actually hitting an ACL problem.

I tried moving the directory /opt/rt2/local/WebRT/html/Search out of the
way, which did not improve the situation. So it seems I mangled,
where I had to change some WebOptions to have the web interface speak
german to me. The relevant changes are seen below.

If you change the WebOptions back, does it start behaving again?

I hope someone else will see what I did wrong since I can’t quite concentrate
after a day of translating RT Mason Elements and skeleton html files.

Is anything showing up in RT or apache’s error log?


----the WebOptions part of my
#This is from tobias’ prototype web search UI. it may stay and it may go.
# This is for putting in more user-actions at the Transaction
# bar. I will typically add “Enter bug in Bugzilla” here.:
ExtraTransactionActions => sub { return “”; },

 # Here you can modify the list view.  Be aware that the web
 # interface might crash if TicketAttribute is wrongly set.
 # Consult the docs (if somebody is going to write them?) your
 # local RT hacker or eventually the rt-users / rt-devel
 # mailinglists
 QueueListingCols =>
   { Header     => 'Id',
     TicketLink => 1,
     TicketAttribute => 'Id'

  { Header     => 'Betreff',
     TicketAttribute => 'Subject'
   { Header => 'Anfrage von',
     TicketAttribute => 'RequestorsAsString'
   { Header => 'Status',
     TicketAttribute => 'Status'

   { Header => 'Queue',
     TicketAttribute => 'QueueObj->Name'

   { Header => 'Letzter Kontakt',
     TicketAttribute => 'LongSinceToldAsString'

   { Header => 'Alter',
     TicketAttribute => 'AgeAsString'

   { Header => 'Letzter Vorgang',
     TicketAttribute => 'LongSinceUpdateAsString'

   # TODO: It would be nice with a link here to the Owner and all
   # other request owned by this Owner.
   { Header => 'Verantwortlich',
     TicketAttribute => 'OwnerObj->Name'

   { Header     => 'Übernehmen',
     TicketLink => 1,
     Constant   => 'Take',
     ExtraLinks => '&Action=Take'



Harald Wagener | Systemadministrator
FCB/Wilkens GmbH | Tel.:+49-40-2881-1252
An der Alster 42 | Fax.:+49-40-2881-1263
20099 Hamburg |

rt-users mailing list – Trouble Ticketing. Free.

Hello all,

in the effort of localizing RT to the german language,

Cool! We should chat about the right way to do this long-term to
get RT properly internationalized so all future localizers have to do
is edit a ‘dictionary’ file to localize RT into a new language.

You may want to look at how CGI::FormMagick (a project I’ve worked
on with Skud) does i18n and l10n. It seems to be pretty robust so

Shane Landrum (srl AT boston DOT com) Software Engineer,

in the effort of localizing RT to the german language,

Cool! We should chat about the right way to do this long-term to
get RT properly internationalized so all future localizers have to do
is edit a ‘dictionary’ file to localize RT into a new language.

I would be glad to contribute to it for the french language.

Steve Poirier
Directeur d�veloppement / Project Manager
Inet Technologies Inc.