Search question

Is anyone able to direct me to where I might look to find a way to only find
tickets created ‘last weekend’ by a certain user or something similar.

Obviously yesterday is easy enough, which I have already implemented, but I
really need something that returns any ticket created on a weekend by the
given user. I am admittedly lost and it doesn’t look easy to me, then again
I am not a mysql guru either :slight_smile:

Any help appreciated

Greg Evans
Hood Canal Communications
(360) 898-2481 ext.212


Along the top Navigation bar (blue) click "Tickets". That will put you 

in the Query Builder. From that point on, you just select your criteria.
Play with it and you’ll get the hang of it.

LBNLOn 3/24/2008 11:15 AM, Greg Evans wrote:

Is anyone able to direct me to where I might look to find a way to only
find tickets created �last weekend� by a certain user or something similar.

Obviously yesterday is easy enough, which I have already implemented,
but I really need something that returns any ticket created on a weekend
by the given user. I am admittedly lost and it doesn�t look easy to me,
then again I am not a mysql guru either J

Any help appreciated

******Greg Evans

Hood Canal Communications

(360) 898-2481 ext.212

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