Search for latest changed tickets


I’d like to create a search for the latest and closed tickets to put on ‘at a
Couldn’t do it with the Search Builder, so I added this query:

(Status = ‘resolved’ OR Status = ‘rejected’) AND LastUpdated > (now() -
interval ‘3 days’)

However when I try to save it I get the following error:

Error near ->(<- expecting a VALUE in ‘(Status = ‘resolved’ OR Status
= ‘rejected’) AND LastUpdated > (now() - interval ‘3 days’)’
Error near ->(<- expecting a OP in ‘(Status = ‘resolved’ OR Status
= ‘rejected’) AND LastUpdated > (now() - interval ‘3 days’)’
Error near ->‘3 days’<- expecting a OP in ‘(Status = ‘resolved’ OR Status
= ‘rejected’) AND LastUpdated > (now() - interval ‘3 days’)’
Unknown field: interval

Clicking on Show Results I get the right result so I assume the query is fine.
But RT doesn’t allow to save it. Any hints.

RT: 3.6.3 on FreeBSD 6 and Postgresql 8
