Search by time


Is there a way to search the time and date when a ticket has been
opened? I need a more fined grained search other then id = ‘123’ AND
Created = ‘9-06-2006’ . It seems possible because as I can do Created
= ‘12 hours ago’.


Is there a way to search the time and date when a ticket has been
opened? I need a more fined grained search other then id = ‘123’ AND
Created = ‘9-06-2006’ . It seems possible because as I can do Created
= ‘12 hours ago’.

I believe that all the date/time query parameters just use MySQL-ish
time values. So if you wanted something created after noon but before 3
PM on 9/6:

Created > ‘2006-09-06 12:00:00’ AND Created < ‘2006-09-06 15:00:00’

Eric Schultz
United Online