Script not found or unable to stat: /usr/local/rt/webrt.cgi

After installing all of the necessary bits I created a user and a queue
and then tried to login to the webified rt UI.

I opened http:///rt/webrt.cgi and got the login screen, I put the
username and password in and clicked ok and then I got:

Not Found

The requested URL /rt/webrt.cgi was not found on this server.

Apache/1.3.11 Ben-SSL/1.37 Server at Port 80

The error_log says:

[Fri Apr 6 15:24:06 2001] [error] script not found or unable to stat:

I’ve added the following lines to httpd.conf to no affect:

Alias /webrt/ “/usr/local/rt/lib/images/”
ScriptAlias /rt/ “/usr/local/rt/bin/cgi/”

I’m stymied. Any ideas ?


Douglas Weir
Chemical Physics Dept. Earth-Science & Chemistry 330A
University Of Waterloo (519) 888-4567 x6110
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