Hi all,
I want create this scrip:
condition: user defined
action: create tickets
template: my template
stage : transaction create
custom condition:
#test if this ticket is now created
return 0 unless $self->TransactionObj->Type() eq 'Create';
#test if my cf has value 'work'
return 0 unless $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('cf')
eq ‘work’;
return 1;
My second test doesn't work because when the transaction type
is create
the value of cf is null (2 diferent transactions).
How can i solve this problem?
Hi all,
My second test doesn't work because when the transaction type
is create
the value of cf is null (2 diferent transactions).
How can i solve this problem?
Look at “TransactionBatch” parameter in RT_Config.pm
TransactionBatch may be tricky, if you want condition “When CF X is
set to ‘work’ from empty” then you can implement the following pseudo
if ($txn_type eq ‘Create’) {
return 1 if $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘cf’) eq ‘work’
return 0;
if ($txn_type eq ‘CustomField’) {
return 0 unless $txn_field = $cf_id;
return 0 if $txn_old_value; # field had not empty value
return 0 unless $txn_new_value eq ‘work’;
return 1;
return 0;On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 5:37 PM, Alexandre de Medeiros Ribeiro alexandre.medeiros@camara.gov.br wrote:
Hi all,
I want create this scrip:
condition: user defined
action: create tickets
template: my template
stage : transaction create
custom condition:
#test if this ticket is now created
return 0 unless $self->TransactionObj->Type() eq 'Create';
#test if my cf has value 'work'
return 0 unless $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('cf') eq
return 1;
My second test doesn’t work because when the transaction type is
the value of cf is null (2 diferent transactions).
How can i solve this problem?
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Best regards, Ruslan.
Argh, forgot to add the list back to Ccs :(On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 1:02 AM, Ruslan Zakirov ruz@bestpractical.com wrote:
Want to share it on CustomConditionSnippets - Request Tracker Wiki ?
Also, ALWAYS Cc the list, now people don’t know something’s working
and may be somebody is writing you a reply you don’t need anymore.
On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 12:39 AM, Alexandre de Medeiros Ribeiro alexandre.medeiros@camara.gov.br wrote:
it’s working fine.
Em Sáb, 2008-05-17 às 00:05 +0400, Ruslan Zakirov escreveu:
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 10:05 PM, Alexandre de Medeiros Ribeiro alexandre.medeiros@camara.gov.br wrote:
Sorry but doesnt work.
What doesn’t work? it is pseudo code and should not work, but should
give you point to move from.
How can i set the TransactionBatch.
read on the wiki
Em Sex, 2008-05-16 às 18:41 +0400, Ruslan Zakirov escreveu:
TransactionBatch may be tricky, if you want condition “When CF X is
set to ‘work’ from empty” then you can implement the following pseudo
if ($txn_type eq ‘Create’) {
return 1 if $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘cf’) eq ‘work’
return 0;
if ($txn_type eq ‘CustomField’) {
return 0 unless $txn_field = $cf_id;
return 0 if $txn_old_value; # field had not empty value
return 0 unless $txn_new_value eq ‘work’;
return 1;
return 0;
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 5:37 PM, Alexandre de Medeiros Ribeiro alexandre.medeiros@camara.gov.br wrote:
Hi all,
I want create this scrip:
condition: user defined
action: create tickets
template: my template
stage : transaction create
custom condition:
#test if this ticket is now created
return 0 unless $self->TransactionObj->Type() eq 'Create';
#test if my cf has value 'work'
return 0 unless $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('cf') eq
return 1;
My second test doesn’t work because when the transaction type
the value of cf is null (2 diferent transactions).
How can i solve this problem?
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Best regards, Ruslan.
Best regards, Ruslan.