Scrip not logging

Hi there,

my scrip is logged, but my logging commands do not result in a log
line. Here is the log the system prints upon its start:

Aug 13 17:23:04 dox RT:
#2211/33968 - Scrip 23 Email dummy

But the following condition does not write the any log:

$RT::Logger->info(“Hello RT World!”);

my $cf=$self->TransactionObj->CreatorObj->LoadCustomFieldByIdentifier(‘107’);

my $cf2 = $session->{‘CurrentUser’}->UserObj->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘107’);


return 1;

What is the problem with the above code?

  • Gergely

Hi there,

my scrip is logged, but my logging commands do not result in a log
line. Here is the log the system prints upon its start:

Aug 13 17:23:04 dox RT:
#2211/33968 - Scrip 23 Email dummy

But the following condition does not write the any log:

$RT::Logger->info(“Hello RT World!”);

my $cf=$self->TransactionObj->CreatorObj->LoadCustomFieldByIdentifier(‘107’);

my $cf2 = $session->{‘CurrentUser’}->UserObj->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘107’);


return 1;

What is the problem with the above code?

Have you picked user defined condition for the scrip? Custom condition
code you write in the UI only works with “User Defined”.

  • Gergely

Best regards, Ruslan.