Rtx-Shredder directory requirements

I just installed RTx-Shredder-0.06 from the source. There weren’t any
errors during the install. I then logged into Rt and went to
Configuration->Tools->Shredder and I got this error:

RTx-Shredder extension needs directory to write dumps there. Please,
check that you have /opt/rt3/var/data/RTx-Shredder and it’s writable for
your web server.

So I looked and I had to create the directory
and then

I went back into that link and I still get the same error. Just to make
sure I chmod 777 on that directory to see if I had the user wrong and
still get the error.

Do I have stop and start my web server for this to take effect?

John J. Boris, Sr.
JEN-A-SyS Administrator
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
222 North 17th Street
Philadelphia, Pa. 19103

“Remember! That light at the end of the tunnel
Just might be the headlight of an oncoming train!”

I just installed RTx-Shredder-0.06 from the source. There weren’t any
errors during the install. I then logged into Rt and went to
Configuration->Tools->Shredder and I got this error:

RTx-Shredder extension needs directory to write dumps there. Please,
check that you have /opt/rt3/var/data/RTx-Shredder and it’s writable for
your web server.

So I looked and I had to create the directory
and then

I went back into that link and I still get the same error. Just to make
sure I chmod 777 on that directory to see if I had the user wrong and
still get the error.

Do I have stop and start my web server for this to take effect?

John J. Boris, Sr.
JEN-A-SyS Administrator
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
222 North 17th Street
Philadelphia, Pa. 19103

“Remember! That light at the end of the tunnel
Just might be the headlight of an oncoming train!”