RTIR side-effects

I installed RTIR recently and have been having side-effects in RT:

  1. an URL in a ticket becomes clickable (good) but the URL gets
    translated and added to a link too the RTIR “Tools” page.



http://foobar.net (foobar.net)

Very bad when including e.g. an FAQ article from RTFM where you only
want an exact URL to an external doc and don’t want RTIR to include
an link to “Tools” page.

the “(foobar.net)” is the clickable link to the RTIR “Tools” page.

  1. clickable words pop up all over the place:
    not only IP adresses and URL’s become clickable but also words like:

HASH, RT, FM, RTIR, RC1, etc… ?

email addresses in tickets or Cc: lines get also an link added like
in point 1) above

Is there a config file where the “keywords” are defined ?

Brussels University
Pleinlaan 2
Computer Center VUB/ULB (VUBnet)
Ing. Robert Jansen
B-1050 Brussels
Belgium (Europe)

email: rjansen@vub.ac.be
Tel: +32-2-650.36.94
Secr: +32-2-650.37.38
Fax: +32-2-650.37.40

Hi Jansen,

Firstly, there is an mailing list specifically for RTIR. Did you
ask there first? (if you did, and I missed it, apologies :wink:

I installed RTIR recently and have been having side-effects in RT:

  1. an URL in a ticket becomes clickable (good) but the URL gets
    translated and added to a link too the RTIR “Tools” page.

  2. clickable words pop up all over the place:
    not only IP adresses and URL’s become clickable but also words like:

Is there a config file where the “keywords” are defined ?

All this Clicky functionality is pretty much selfcontained within
local/html/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky. The regexp’s for matching
things are defined in %types. The CAPITAL highlighting is to make
whois netblk’s clickable (see GRIPE). Perhaps what it matches
should be dependent on what it is currently viewing (something to
add to the wishlist :wink:

Would be nice to get this in a config file at some point, but at
the moment you’ll need to edit the code.

Same goes for the url (hostname) bit. See url => sub in MakeClicky.
Remove ($host).

Hope this helps.


At 10:23 +0100 20-09-2003, John Green wrote:

Hi Jansen,

Firstly, there is an mailing list specifically for RTIR. Did you
ask there first? (if you did, and I missed it, apologies :wink:

I installed RTIR recently and have been having side-effects in RT:

  1. an URL in a ticket becomes clickable (good) but the URL gets
    translated and added to a link too the RTIR “Tools” page.

  2. clickable words pop up all over the place:
    not only IP adresses and URL’s become clickable but also words like:

Is there a config file where the “keywords” are defined ?

All this Clicky functionality is pretty much selfcontained within
local/html/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky. The regexp’s for matching
things are defined in %types. The CAPITAL highlighting is to make
whois netblk’s clickable (see GRIPE). Perhaps what it matches
should be dependent on what it is currently viewing (something to
add to the wishlist :wink:

Would be nice to get this in a config file at some point, but at
the moment you’ll need to edit the code.

Same goes for the url (hostname) bit. See url => sub in MakeClicky.
Remove ($host).

Hope this helps.


It sure does help John, thanks.
I’ll ask our local regex/Perl guru to cook up some regex soep .

Just subscribing to the rtir list, my understanding was that it was a
private list (see bestpractical site). Awaiting approval from the
maintainer now.


Brussels University
Pleinlaan 2
Computer Center VUB/ULB (VUBnet)
Ing. Robert Jansen
B-1050 Brussels
Belgium (Europe)

email: rjansen@vub.ac.be
Tel: +32-2-650.36.94
Secr: +32-2-650.37.38
Fax: +32-2-650.37.40