RTIR 5.0.6 Released

RTIR 5.0.6 is now available for general use. This release includes a fix for pulling information into the CVE portlet by switching to version 2.0 of the NIST API.

Our documentation site has notes on upgrading and detailed release notes. As always, when upgrading RTIR, first upgrade RT to the corresponding version to get all of the new features and fixes in RT, then upgrade RTIR.

Note that there was no RTIR 5.0.5 public release.


SHA-256 sums

95810631c7f9dde58744d3bd9e9a8c9602b48d64d3c763032e6c4f7ac16b4848 RT-IR-5.0.6.tar.gz
ad6380624307a853e9b5cc37df08ba32f5c5d15235d74dc8d18ac17a5c28bf3a RT-IR-5.0.6.tar.gz.asc
