RTIR 4.0.2 Released

RTIR 4.0.2 is now available as a maintenance release, primarily providing updates for compatibility with RT 4.4.5. Our documentation site has notes on upgrading and detailed release notes. If you run RTIR and you upgrade RT to 4.4.5, you also need to update to RTIR 4.0.2.

RT 5.0 and RTIR 5.0 are also available and we encourage all RTIR users to consider upgrading to the newest releases.


SHA-256 sums

f5c5575e4f54dba5c6ffff89f2d0a4f198f150652763f25168ecd93e026ec608 RT-IR-4.0.2.tar.gz
2a4ad7222fa73ac93a32bcd83f2b7a39d0892ae9c89ae954a0fd974cdc13278c RT-IR-4.0.2.tar.gz.asc
