RTIR 3.0.0 Available

I’m happy to announce that RT for Incident Response 3.0.0 is now available.


SHA1 sums
6cc4797b185530bb050eefb68c1e15900714a8e9 RT-IR-3.0.0.tar.gz
5f1bd4bfd353956f2a714428773d373c1af7a1b1 RT-IR-3.0.0.tar.gz.asc

RTIR 3.0 is fully compatible with the RT 4.0 series. It takes advantage
of many new native RT features to remove complexity and ease future

RTIR now uses RT’s built-in IP Custom Field support, providing IPv6
support as well as IPv4. It can leverage RT’s full text indexing
support for faster searching of tickets. It also picks up many other
new RT 4.0 features such as email history folding, autocompletion of
email addresses, an online theme editor and continued support for PGP
encryption/decryption of emails.
You can read more about RT 4 features here:

RTIR now allows you to link Reports, Investigations and Blocks to
multiple incidents and to require an Incident while creating a Report,
Investigation or Block. This is controlled by the new
%RTIR_IncidentChildren configuration option. By default, it retains
compatibility with the RTIR workflow available in 2.4 and 2.6.

As a result of this change, RTIR now provides greater flexibility for
choosing an Incident during creation or linking.

RTIR no longer ships an internal SLA implementation. RT::Extension::SLA
is more flexible and supports more options.

RTIR now allows greater editing of the searches displayed during
Incident reply or during linking/splitting actions. A user can pull in
resolved tickets or limit to a certain subset of the linked tickets.

This RTIR release requires RT 4.0.14, but we recommend installing the
latest RT release available (4.0.16 at this time).

If you are already running 3.0.0rc1, this release contains a database upgrade.
If you are still running on 2.4 or 2.6 but have been testing upgrades, it
includes a number of updates to the upgrade process that should improve

Please review all of the documentation in docs/UPGRADING and
corresponding docs/UPGRADING-* files relevant to your current RTIR

You may also review the upgrading documentation at

With the release of RTIR 3.0.0, the RTIR 2 series has officially entered
maintenance mode. For more details about this and future RTIR release
scheduling, we have published a blog post:

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log 2.6.1…3.0.0
or visiting
Comparing 2.6.1...3.0.0 · bestpractical/rtir · GitHub