
Hello All,

I am a RTFM newbie. Is there some rtfm for RTFM that I can use as a reference? :wink:
I’ve got RTFM up using Alias in my setup. Never mind I am using apache2+modperl2

Thank you.

   - wash 

Odhiambo Washington, wash@wananchi.com . WANANCHI ONLINE LTD (Nairobi, KE) |
http://ns2.wananchi.com/~wash/ . 1ere Etage, Loita Hse, Loita St., |
GSM: (+254) 722 743 223 . # 10286, 00100 NAIROBI |
“Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!”
–from a /. post

Hello All,

I am a RTFM newbie. Is there some rtfm for RTFM that I can use as a reference? :wink:

not yet.

I’ve got RTFM up using Alias in my setup. Never mind I am using apache2+modperl2

Thank you.

   - wash 

Odhiambo Washington, wash@wananchi.com . WANANCHI ONLINE LTD (Nairobi, KE) |
http://ns2.wananchi.com/~wash/ . 1ere Etage, Loita Hse, Loita St., |
GSM: (+254) 722 743 223 . # 10286, 00100 NAIROBI |
“Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!”
–from a /. post

rt-devel mailing list

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Hi List,

I am a bit desperate: I am trying to install RT 3.5.7 along with RTFM-2.2.0RC2 on a Fedora Core 4 Box. So fax install runs smoothly, but whenever I try to klick on RTFM in RT´s Web-Interface I get:

error: could not find component for path '/Elements/TitleBoxStart’

15: %# GNU General Public License for more details.
16: %#
19: <& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => loc("[_1] newest articles", $rows), bodyclass=> ‘’ &>


code stack: /opt/rt3/share/html/RTFM/Elements/NewestArticles:19

Any idea why this occurs ?

Thanks and regards

<&|/l&>#</&> <&|/l&>Name</&>

I am attempting to read an encrypted file, decrypt it, and pull in the
password information into RT_SiteConfig to use instead of having the
password already present in the system. For some reason I keep getting an
internal error but nothing is showing in the logs.

Has anyone done anything like this?



‘/Elements/TitleBoxStart’ component was moved and refactored, but in
3.6.0preX there were added thin wrapper for backward compatibility.
Try 3.6.0preX.On 4/18/06, ml@charliesangels.biz ml@charliesangels.biz wrote:

Hi List,

I am a bit desperate: I am trying to install RT 3.5.7 along with RTFM-2.2.0RC2 on a Fedora Core 4 Box. So fax install runs smoothly, but whenever I try to klick on RTFM in RT´s Web-Interface I get:

error: could not find component for path ‘/Elements/TitleBoxStart’

15: %# GNU General Public License for more details.
16: %#
19: <& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => loc(“[_1] newest articles”, $rows), bodyclass=> ‘’ &>


code stack: /opt/rt3/share/html/RTFM/Elements/NewestArticles:19

Any idea why this occurs ?

Thanks and regards

List info: The rt-devel Archives

Best Practical is hiring! Come hack Perl for us: Careers — Best Practical Solutions

Best regards, Ruslan.


Hi List,

I am a bit desperate: I am trying to install RT 3.5.7 along with RTFM-2.2.0RC2 on a Fedora Core 4 Box. So fax install runs smoothly, but whenever I try to klick on RTFM in RT´s Web-Interface I get:

error: could not find component for path '/Elements/TitleBoxStart’

15: %# GNU General Public License for more details.
16: %#
19: <& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => loc("[_1] newest articles", $rows), bodyclass=> ‘’ &>


code stack: /opt/rt3/share/html/RTFM/Elements/NewestArticles:19

Any idea why this occurs ?

Thanks and regards

<&|/l&>#</&> <&|/l&>Name</&>

I found the solution, for some reason I was picking up an old version of the
script I wrote.-----Original Message-----
From: rt-devel-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com
[mailto:rt-devel-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com]On Behalf Of Marco
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:44 AM
To: rt-devel@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: [Rt-devel] Trouble getting password information from encrypted
file into RT_SiteConfig

I am attempting to read an encrypted file, decrypt it, and pull in the
password information into RT_SiteConfig to use instead of having the
password already present in the system. For some reason I keep getting an
internal error but nothing is showing in the logs.

Has anyone done anything like this?



List info: The rt-devel Archives

Best Practical is hiring! Come hack Perl for us:

Thanks to Ruslan and his piece of code i was able to right this script. It will be helpfull to anyone upgrading to RT 3.4.5 , and people who use to rt database to authentacate users for other pieces of software. It seems RT 3.4.5 uses an MD5 HEX encoding system, but for backwards compatability it can read MD5 base64 encoded passwords. However as users log into the new system the passwords are re-encoded and stored in the new HEX format. This script will change all the passwords to HEX and leave any blank passwords alone. Hope this helps :slight_smile:


load module

use DBI;
use MIME::Base64 qw();
use bytes;

my $query = qq(
From Users
WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(Password)< 32 AND (CHAR_LENGTH(Password) != 0) AND (CHAR_LENGTH(Password) != 13)


my $dbh = DBI->connect(“DBI:mysql:database=rt3;host=localhost”, “root”, “”, {‘RaiseError’ => 1});

my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);

iterate through resultset

print values

while(my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
$old_encoded_pwd = $ref->{‘Password’};
my $md5 = MIME::Base64::decode($old_encoded_pwd);
$md5 =~ s/(.)/sprintf “%02x”,ord($1)/gmse;
print “User: $ref->{‘Name’}\n”;
print “Password: $ref->{‘Password’}\n”;
print “New Password: ‘$md5’\n”;

execute INSERT query

my $rows = $dbh->do(“update Users SET Password= ‘$md5’ WHERE Name=’$ref->{Name}’;”);
print “$rows row(s) affected\n”;
print “----------\n”;

clean up


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Never mind. I was using the wrong field type. Guess I better fill out a
cover sheet for my TPS report…

Am I correct in assuming that:

  1. RTFM is meant for internal use as a source for FAQs which can be pasted
    into RT ticket responses.

  2. RTFM is not meant as a tool to display FAQs to the general public.

  3. To view FAQs from RTFM, one must be an RT superuser.

RTFM carries seperate permissions. If you edit the RTFM configuration
options as a superuser you can give permission to other groups and users.

david@cogley.com wrote:

Am I correct in assuming that:

  1. RTFM is meant for internal use as a source for FAQs which can be
    pasted into RT ticket responses.
  2. RTFM is not meant as a tool to display FAQs to the general public.
  3. To view FAQs from RTFM, one must be an RT superuser.

rt-users mailing list
The rt-users Archives

Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at http://fsck.com/rtfm

With regards,


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We’ve just started using RTFM ourselves.

Am I correct in assuming that:

  1. RTFM is meant for internal use as a source for FAQs which can be pasted
    into RT ticket responses.

This is where it excels, it gives you an article base of frequent answers
which saves you from typing the same answer again and again.
It just saves you from copying and pasting the answer, the mechanism’s
basically the same so once you’ve inserted an article into your message reply
it can be edited to fit the request.

  1. RTFM is not meant as a tool to display FAQs to the general public.

There’s absolutely nothing stopping it from doing so, you can make articles
available to everyone.

  1. To view FAQs from RTFM, one must be an RT superuser.

You just need to add some rights, only superuser has access by default.
You need to add rights within the class configuration and the custom fields
configuration for the custom fields you’re using with that class.

We tend to use groups as they’re so easy to administer, so we’ve added
SeeClass and ShowArticle rights to the group. Under group
configuration/custom fields we’ve enabled a couple of custom fields for that
class, go to configuration/custom fields/group rights and give the same group
the ShowCustomField right.
The group now has read only access, just add more rights as needed.

Max Norton
University of Bath Computing Services

  1. RTFM is not meant as a tool to display FAQs to the general public.

There’s absolutely nothing stopping it from doing so, you can make
available to everyone.

Max is correct about this with one caveat. The SelfService interface
for RT does not allow access to RTFM. So while you can mark any article
as visible to everyone, you will have to create some sort of interface
to view the FAQs. A customer-facing and non-authenticated front end are
both on the To Do list for the current version of RTFM:


  1. To view FAQs from RTFM, one must be an RT superuser.

Out of the box, you have to be a privileged user to see RFTM articles.

For our use, we wanted certain classes of articles available to users
in the SelfService interface. We copied the RTFM installation under the
SelfService area in local then modified code to reference
/SelfService/RTFM/. We had to modify the left nav for that section as
well, and I think there was a couple of other changes that were

Basically, the structure (permissions) is in place to support
customer-facing and non-authenticated access to RTFM articles, but the
UI has been developed.


Where can I find info to setup RTFM for use

We have the basics configured and running but I need more info on classes
and custom fields




All priveleged users can access and configure RTFM even if there are no

rights at all configured on it (RTFM).

Non-privileged users cannot see the RTFM link at all, even if i tried

all the permission configurations possible…

Any hints?


Pablo Povarchik de Carrasquedo

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Have you set rights under, RTFM, Configuration, Global, Group rights?
What is your current configuration under RTFM?On 4/26/06, Pablo Povarchik - FuturaHost.Com futurahost@futurahost.com wrote:


   All priveleged users can access and configure RTFM even if there

are no
rights at all configured on it (RTFM).

   Non-privileged users cannot see the RTFM link at all, even if i

all the permission configurations possible…

   Any hints?


Pablo Povarchik de Carrasquedo

Quality Colocation and Dedicated Servers services
Colocation facilities include Fremont California,
London UK and Trento Italy

±- FuturaHost.Com (AS39317) - Industrial & Business Class ISP --+
| Web Hosting - Dedicated Servers - Colocation
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| Get a high quality full cabinet with 5Mbps full burst included
| for only €700/month, availability also in London

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Hi all,

I’ve installed RTFM and I want to create an article then I don’t get a
input field for the content.

All I can fill in is:

  •      Name
  •      Summary
  •      Class
  •      Refers to
  •      Referred to by
  •      Topics

Is this a bug in RTFM?

Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,

Richard Pijnenburg

Richard Pijnenburg wrote:

Hi all,

I’ve installed RTFM and I want to create an article then I don’t get a
input field for the content.

All I can fill in is:

  •      Name
  •      Summary
  •      Class
  •      Refers to
  •      Referred to by
  •      Topics

Is this a bug in RTFM?

I assume you have defined one or more CustomFields which are RTFM
customfields and not RT CF’s?
Further your logged in user has rights to these CustomFields?



Hi Joop,

I haven’t defined any CustomFields.

The Content field is for the text that needs to be included in the RT
ticket when I select it.

The user I’m using has all rights.

Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,

Richard PijnenburgFrom: Joop [mailto:JoopvandeWege@mococo.nl]
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 3:00 PM
To: Richard Pijnenburg
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RTFM

Richard Pijnenburg wrote:

Hi all,

I’ve installed RTFM and I want to create an article then I don’t get a
input field for the content.

All I can fill in is:




Refers to

Referred to by


Is this a bug in RTFM?

I assume you have defined one or more CustomFields which are RTFM
customfields and not RT CF’s?
Further your logged in user has rights to these CustomFields?



Richard Pijnenburg wrote:

Hi Joop,

I haven’t defined any CustomFields.

The Content field is for the text that needs to be included in the RT
ticket when I select it.

The Content field is a regular RT CustomField. I use WikiText but you’re
free to use the other types aswell.
Login with enough rights to add CustomFields, goto
Configuration->CustomFields: Create
Enter a name, description,Type, AppliesTO(RTFM Articles) <---- That is
what you should select.
After creating it make sure to use ‘Applies to’ to add it to one of
your classes.

