RTFM install problems

Second hurdle, when installing RTFM it’ll ask for the MySQL root
password which I give it and it creates a couple of table (I’ve verfied
this) it then asks again for the password which when I give to it the
install script abruptly ends putting me back to the prompt. When I
restart Apache there is not RTFM on the right side and no new rights to
give to users or groups. But there is 9 new tables in MySQL under RT.
Any ideas.

BTW I hope you do throw in a HTML stripper in a later release it’s been
a major hanging point for us in implementing RT since our company uses
Outlook. Our company’s programmer is trying to modify a perl script to
do it (in his free time) and once he’s done I’ll be sure to share it
(I’ve already shared what he has so far). Right now it removes the HTML
tags but not the lines its on so you have to scroll down to see the

Jarrod Flanders
A+, Network+
Computer Technician
Burrelles Information Services, LLC

I also use Outlook and RT works fine.
Users usually use the web interface, but when I create a ticket by mail I see the text part and the html attached.

Samuel-----Original Message-----
From: jflanders@burrelles.com [mailto:jflanders@burrelles.com]
Sent: Saturday,13 December,2003 05:26
To: rt-users@lists.fsck.com
Subject: [rt-users] RTFM install problems

Second hurdle, when installing RTFM it’ll ask for the MySQL root password which I give it and it creates a couple of table (I’ve verfied
this) it then asks again for the password which when I give to it the install script abruptly ends putting me back to the prompt. When I restart Apache there is not RTFM on the right side and no new rights to give to users or groups. But there is 9 new tables in MySQL under RT.
Any ideas.

BTW I hope you do throw in a HTML stripper in a later release it’s been a major hanging point for us in implementing RT since our company uses Outlook. Our company’s programmer is trying to modify a perl script to do it (in his free time) and once he’s done I’ll be sure to share it (I’ve already shared what he has so far). Right now it removes the HTML tags but not the lines its on so you have to scroll down to see the text.

Jarrod Flanders
A+, Network+
Computer Technician
Burrelles Information Services, LLC

rt-users mailing list

Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at http://fsck.com/rtfm

I was surprised, the other day, when a mail sent to my newly installed
RT3 base was sent back to the watchers in it’s most complete form,
attachments and all.

I recall wanting that behavior in RT2 once upon a time, but since then
I’ve found that users dare send big patches to a RT2 base without
fearing that they will send enormous chunks of data to the watchers
(which in the cases I’ve experienced is a mailing list, potentially
with many members).

Now, I don’t want to downgrade from RT3, I’m actually quite happy with
that, and especially with the nicely integrated RTFM module. So, I’d
like to ask if there is any way to have RT3 remail the incoming
requests with attachments stripped off? If that’s possible in some
way, that would be great. It’s possible that it should be fine-tuned,
so for example, a top-level message/rtf822 attachment would not be
stripped away (as those are typical for forwarded messages).

Ideas? Anyone else having solved this very issue? I’m open for any

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