RTFM - Granting rights to create classes

How does one grant another user the rights to create
a new RTFM class through the web interface?

I’m looking at RT->Configuration->Global->UserRights and
I don’t see any class-related rights listed in the selection

In RTFM there doesn’t seem to be a comparable Global User Rights

I found that I can grant the right by inserting a row into the ACL table with
RightName = ‘AdminClass’ and ObjectType = ‘RT::System’ for the user; but
I haven’t found how to do this through the web interface.


How does one grant another user the rights to create
a new RTFM class through the web interface?

I’m looking at RT->Configuration->Global->UserRights and
I don’t see any class-related rights listed in the selection

In RTFM there doesn’t seem to be a comparable Global User Rights

I found that I can grant the right by inserting a row into the ACL table
RightName = ‘AdminClass’ and ObjectType = ‘RT::System’ for the user; but
I haven’t found how to do this through the web interface.

It’s a bug, or more exactly, a design oversight. I’m going to try to find
some time this afternoon to remedy it.


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