According to the lib/RT/FM/Introduction.pod [1] I can make articles in
RTFM accessible to unprivileged users.
Is this correct?
I ask this because after granting ShowArticle per class or even
globaly, unprivileged users still can’t see the search box. Is there
any other issue that I might consider other than the “ShowArticle
Thanks for your help.
SelfService Interface
If you grant the Unprivileged user group the right ShowArticle,
they will get a Search box at the
top of their interface. This allows users to look for answer
to questions before creating a
–Mr Vandeley
I’m sorry to bother you but It would be really helpfull to get an
answer to my question. Looking on previous list posts it seems that
other people couldn’t make this work neither. Old posts says that
this feature wasn’t fully functional.
So, please, this should work with just this instructions [1] or there
is something else that I should be looking for.
Thanks in advance.---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mr.Vandeley mr.vandeley@gmail.com
Date: Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 1:08 PM
Subject: [rt-users] RTFM articles for unprivileged user group
To: RT-Users@lists.bestpractical.com
According to the lib/RT/FM/Introduction.pod [1] I can make articles in
RTFM accessible to unprivileged users.
Is this correct?
I ask this because after granting ShowArticle per class or even
globaly, unprivileged users still can’t see the search box. Is there
any other issue that I might consider other than the “ShowArticle
Thanks for your help.
SelfService Interface
If you grant the Unprivileged user group the right ShowArticle,
they will get a Search box at the
top of their interface. This allows users to look for answer
to questions before creating a
–Mr Vandeley
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I’m sorry to bother you but It would be really helpfull to get an
answer to my question. Looking on previous list posts it seems that
other people couldn’t make this work neither. Old posts says that
this feature wasn’t fully functional.
So, please, this should work with just this instructions [1] or there
is something else that I should be looking for.
You should be looking for the release of RTFM2.4.2 and RT3.8.3
I’m sorry to bother you but It would be really helpfull to get an
answer to my question. Looking on previous list posts it seems that
other people couldn’t make this work neither. Old posts says that
this feature wasn’t fully functional.
So, please, this should work with just this instructions [1] or there
is something else that I should be looking for.
You should be looking for the release of RTFM2.4.2 and RT3.8.3
Thanks Kevin for your kind answer, but [1] is there since version RTFM
2.4.1. Recently I’ve updated RT from 3.8.1 to 3.8.2 and still articles in
RTFM are inaccessible to unprivileged users.
So, you are saying that although manual says it should be working
since previous versions I have to update them? There isn’t any other
point besides software version that I should look for?
You should be looking for the release of RTFM2.4.2 and RT3.8.3
With the obvious understanding of “when it is done”, do you have any
idea when you think this might occur?
I’m asking because I was about to start on RTFM integration, but I’ll
probably wait if the next update is coming out fairly soon.
Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source
and other randomness
I’m sorry to bother you but It would be really helpfull to get an
answer to my question. Looking on previous list posts it seems that
other people couldn’t make this work neither. Old posts says that
this feature wasn’t fully functional.
So, please, this should work with just this instructions [1] or
is something else that I should be looking for.
You should be looking for the release of RTFM2.4.2 and RT3.8.3
Thanks Kevin for your kind answer, but [1] is there since version RTFM
2.4.1. Recently I’ve updated RT from 3.8.1 to 3.8.2 and still
articles in
RTFM are inaccessible to unprivileged users.
So, you are saying that although manual says it should be working
since previous versions I have to update them? There isn’t any other
point besides software version that I should look for?
There have been bug fixes for this feature in svn
These will be available in the RT3.8.3 release and the
RTFM2.4.2 release. There is no set date for these
releases at this time
You should be looking for the release of RTFM2.4.2 and RT3.8.3
With the obvious understanding of “when it is done”, do you have any
idea when you think this might occur?
I’m asking because I was about to start on RTFM integration, but
I’ll probably wait if the next update is coming out fairly soon.
There is still active work going on in the RT trunk so I don’t have
any release plans other than “we’d like it to be soon” and “when it is
There have been bug fixes for this feature in svn
These will be available in the RT3.8.3 release and the
RTFM2.4.2 release. There is no set date for these
releases at this time
ok, thanks for your answer.
I appreciate it, because now, I can stop fighting with this and wait
to RT3.8.3 and RTFM2.4.2.
I have same problem in RT3.8.2. a RTFM2.4.2
Did this problem solved in RT3.8.3?
I have same problem in RT3.8.2. a RTFM2.4.2
Did this problem solved in RT3.8.3?
You don’t say what problem you were experiencing.
RTFM 2.4.2 requires RT 3.8.3 in order to expose RTFM
in the SelfService UI.