RT3 Display problems with IE6


RT3.0.0, RH Linux8.0, Apache2/ModPerl2

I noticed that with RT3, the display, although esthetically more pleasing
than that of RT2, under IE6, the right edge of the display is cut off by a
few points. It’s minor, but annoying. This is not the case with Netscape6
or 7, which leaves a nice border on the right side. Is there some simple
way to fix this? This is not the case with RT2, which, under IE6 looks more
like the display of Netscape for RT3.

Any ideas?


Mike Schmidt Systèmes Scientifiques SEPIA/Intello
President SEPIA Scientific Systems/Intello
Tel: 450-358-2266 100 Richelieu, suite 2000
Fax: 450-358-2267 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu
e-mail: mike@sepia.com Québec, Canada J3B 6X3
cell: 514-835-9497
http://www.sepia.com http://www.intello.com

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It’s a stylesheet bug that I was told was fixed with the 3.0.0 CSS.
Of course, I don’t have a windows box with IE6 to test on :/On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 12:48:27PM -0500, Mike Schmidt wrote:


RT3.0.0, RH Linux8.0, Apache2/ModPerl2

I noticed that with RT3, the display, although esthetically more pleasing
than that of RT2, under IE6, the right edge of the display is cut off by a
few points. It’s minor, but annoying. This is not the case with Netscape6
or 7, which leaves a nice border on the right side. Is there some simple
way to fix this? This is not the case with RT2, which, under IE6 looks more
like the display of Netscape for RT3.

Any ideas?


Mike Schmidt Syst�mes Scientifiques SEPIA/Intello
President SEPIA Scientific Systems/Intello
Tel: 450-358-2266 100 Richelieu, suite 2000
Fax: 450-358-2267 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu
e-mail: mike@sepia.com Qu�bec, Canada J3B 6X3
cell: 514-835-9497
http://www.sepia.com http://www.intello.com

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