RT3 Database ERD


I need for Version RT 3.6 a Database schema, because I will shift the data
from a keystone postgresql database to rt3 postgresql database. I made a
entity relationship diagramm (look at attachment), but I´am not shure if the
foreign keys are right. Can someone look at it and give me a Ok or can
correct my ERD? Or can say me where I can such a ERD get from?

Does someone put data from Keystone to RT and give me some tips?

Thanks for you help!

Tina Schade
(Can.Dipl.Inform.med., University of Heidelberg/ FH Heilbronn, Germany)

RT_DB_ERD.pdf (28 KB)


I need for Version RT 3.6 a Database schema, because I will shift the data
from a keystone postgresql database to rt3 postgresql database. I made a
entity relationship diagramm (look at attachment), but I´am not shure if the
foreign keys are right. Can someone look at it and give me a Ok or can
correct my ERD? Or can say me where I can such a ERD get from?

Tina, you might want to have a look at the dot source for an rt3 schema
diagram that’s included in the doc directory of RT as of 3.0.7. I
should also note that it’s strongly recommended that you use RT’s API
when doing data migration, rather than attempting to do it all by hand.
RT takes care of a lot of data validation and abstracts away a bunch of
the complexity of the schema for you.

Does someone put data from Keystone to RT and give me some tips?

Thanks for you help!

Tina Schade
(Can.Dipl.Inform.med., University of Heidelberg/ FH Heilbronn, Germany)

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