I am happy to announce the availability of the first Debian packages
for RT3.4. I have uploaded them to Debian but it will be a few weeks
before they pass through the various checks to get into the
archive. In the meantime you can get the necessary bits from:
You will want request-tracker3.4_3.4.0-1_all.deb and
At this stage I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a few bugs in the
packaging. If you find any please report them to me directly until the
packages is officially accepted into the Debian archive. I will keep
the RT3.4 packages in that directory up-to-date until they are
Have fun,
Stephen Quinney
signature.asc (189 Bytes)
Stephen Quinney wrote:
I am happy to announce the availability of the first Debian packages
for RT3.4. I have uploaded them to Debian but it will be a few weeks
before they pass through the various checks to get into the
archive. In the meantime you can get the necessary bits from:
You will want request-tracker3.4_3.4.0-1_all.deb and
At this stage I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a few bugs in the
packaging. If you find any please report them to me directly until the
packages is officially accepted into the Debian archive. I will keep
the RT3.4 packages in that directory up-to-date until they are
Have fun,
Stephen Quinney
The url doesn’t seem to work anymore.
Do you have the debs somewhere available? How’s the approval process at
debian going?
Mattias Nordstrom
Oy Realnode Ab