Rt2-to-rt3 crash (1.23)


Using the latest rt2-to-rt3 (1.23), and trying to import my rt2 (2.0.15)
database, I received the following crash (FreeBSD 4.7, 4 gig ram, quad xeon
3gz cpus):

.uCreating user ka111@host
.uCreating user ka112@host
.Out of memory during request for 30 bytes, total sbrk() is 1073197056
Out of memory during request for 28 bytes, total sbrk() is 1073197056 bytes!
Out of memory during request for 32 bytes, total sbrk() is 1073197056 bytes!
SV = RV(0x4801b574) at 0x48039a48
RV = 0x48044ca0
Out of memory during request for 1904 bytes, total sbrk() is 1073197056
[Mon Feb 16 03:09:20 2004] [crit]: Callback called exit at
/opt/rt3/lib/RT.pm line 259 during global destruction.

I noticed that it was slowing down considerably as it entered the “f” and
"g" users (after the many thousands of numbered ones from SpamCop reports
that entered our rt2 system).

The size of my rt2 dump:

2694814 DUMP/

The metadata file:

-rw-r–r-- 1 scott wheel 72870191 Feb 15 00:19 metadata

It can’t really be out of memory, unless it’s trying to read in the entire
database in one go…




Using the latest rt2-to-rt3 (1.23), and trying to import my rt2 (2.0.15)
database, I received the following crash (FreeBSD 4.7, 4 gig ram, quad xeon
3gz cpus):

It sounds like you’re hitting a memory leak of some kind. I’d love to
see profiler reports of what’s going wrong and/or what sorts of objects
are stuck in memory when it runs out of in-process memory.


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