When playing with CVS of RT2, I noticed that in the README file there
are some small mistakes:
At the WEBUI part, there are this instructions to set your httpd.conf:
DocumentRoot /opt/rt/WebRT/html
ServerName your.rt.server.hostname
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /opt/rt/bin/webmux.pl
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason
the /opt/rt should be /opt/rt2 if i’m not mistaken?
the /opt/rt should be /opt/rt2 if i’m not mistaken?
Only if that is where you installed rt. Personally, I’ve never bought
into the ‘/opt’ thing – so for me both would be wrong.
I agree with you but, if the Makefile’s default is this:
RT_PATH is the name of the directory you want make to install RT in
RT must be installed in its own directory (don’t set this to /usr/local)
RT_PATH = /opt/rt2
I really suggest that the same is in the README, that way perhaps the
mailing list(s) will avoid begginer users asking questions which were
related to simple copy & pasting.
Matt Knopp wrote:
nod the docs should at least be consistent. Even if not everyone agrees
about where things should go…On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 05:00:23PM +0200, Alesh Mustar wrote:
I agree with you but, if the Makefile’s default is this:
RT_PATH is the name of the directory you want make to install RT in
RT must be installed in its own directory (don’t set this to /usr/local)
RT_PATH = /opt/rt2
I really suggest that the same is in the README, that way perhaps the
mailing list(s) will avoid begginer users asking questions which were
related to simple copy & pasting.
Matt Knopp wrote:
the /opt/rt should be /opt/rt2 if i’m not mistaken?
Only if that is where you installed rt. Personally, I’ve never bought
into the ‘/opt’ thing – so for me both would be wrong.
Rt-devel mailing list
jesse reed vincent – root@eruditorum.org – jesse@fsck.com
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