RT v5.0.3 there is no email content

When i try to reply from the web console im getting empty content on email but the content is updated in the ticket, how to fix this in RT5??

Someone help us to fix this issue!!

Do replies via email work?

It feels like an issue with the Template or Scripts enabled for the queue.

Yes, replies from emails works well!!

The functionality on web reply/comment is not working for all the queue.

@Andrew_Ruthven Any plugin required on RT5.0.3 to capture the content of web reply/comment?

This issue started when we upgraded from 4.2.5 to 5.0.3.

If you turn on debug logging then you should capture that, and the Scrips that are used.

If it happened after the upgrade, then perhaps one of the database updates didn’t work correctly? You can see the status of each database upgrade in the web interface, Admin → Tools → System Configuration and search for “RT upgrade history”.

If its just the web UI reply/comment failing, I’d be looking in the web server error log to see if there’s any messages in there.

Also, when you say you are “getting empty content on email but the content is updated in the ticket”, do you mean that you don’t get notified of the update made using the web UI? If so, are you testing this on tickets you requested and if so do you have the RT config setting $NotifyActor set to 1? If you don’t, by default RT will assume you know you’ve replied/commented to your own ticket and won’t bother to send you an email.

Thats correct @GreenJimll, “getting empty content on email but the content is updated in the ticket”.

The below config is already enabled.
Set($NotifyActor, 1);

Below i have attached webserver log:

usage: html2text [-h] [–default-image-alt DEFAULT_IMAGE_ALT] [–pad-tables]
[–no-wrap-links] [–wrap-list-items] [–ignore-emphasis]
[–reference-links] [–ignore-links] [–protect-links]
[–ignore-images] [–images-as-html] [–images-to-alt]
[–images-with-size] [-g] [-d] [-e] [-b BODY_WIDTH]
[-i LIST_INDENT] [-s] [–escape-all] [–bypass-tables]
[–ignore-tables] [–single-line-break] [–unicode-snob]
[–no-automatic-links] [–no-skip-internal-links]
[–links-after-para] [–mark-code]
[–decode-errors DECODE_ERRORS] [–open-quote OPEN_QUOTE]
[–close-quote CLOSE_QUOTE] [–version]
[filename] [encoding]
html2text: error: unrecognized arguments: -nobs -width
usage: html2text [-h] [–default-image-alt DEFAULT_IMAGE_ALT] [–pad-tables]
[–no-wrap-links] [–wrap-list-items] [–ignore-emphasis]
[–reference-links] [–ignore-links] [–protect-links]
[–ignore-images] [–images-as-html] [–images-to-alt]
[–images-with-size] [-g] [-d] [-e] [-b BODY_WIDTH]
[-i LIST_INDENT] [-s] [–escape-all] [–bypass-tables]
[–ignore-tables] [–single-line-break] [–unicode-snob]
[–no-automatic-links] [–no-skip-internal-links]
[–links-after-para] [–mark-code]
[–decode-errors DECODE_ERRORS] [–open-quote OPEN_QUOTE]
[–close-quote CLOSE_QUOTE] [–version]
[filename] [encoding]
html2text: error: unrecognized arguments: -nobs -width
usage: html2text [-h] [–default-image-alt DEFAULT_IMAGE_ALT] [–pad-tables]
[–no-wrap-links] [–wrap-list-items] [–ignore-emphasis]
[–reference-links] [–ignore-links] [–protect-links]
[–ignore-images] [–images-as-html] [–images-to-alt]
[–images-with-size] [-g] [-d] [-e] [-b BODY_WIDTH]
[-i LIST_INDENT] [-s] [–escape-all] [–bypass-tables]
[–ignore-tables] [–single-line-break] [–unicode-snob]
[–no-automatic-links] [–no-skip-internal-links]
[–links-after-para] [–mark-code]
[–decode-errors DECODE_ERRORS] [–open-quote OPEN_QUOTE]
[–close-quote CLOSE_QUOTE] [–version]
[filename] [encoding]
html2text: error: unrecognized arguments: -nobs -width
[4014854] [Wed Feb 14 18:07:04 2024] [info]: rt-5.0.3-4014854-1707934024-1373.80664-4-0@admin.com.qa #80664/739776 - Scrip 4 On Correspond Notify AdminCcs (/opt/rt5/sbin/…/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:293)
[4014854] [Wed Feb 14 18:07:04 2024] [info]: rt-5.0.3-4014854-1707934024-1373.80664-4-0@admin.com.qa sent Bcc: abcd@admin.com.qa, (/opt/rt5/sbin/…/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:324)
[4014854] [Wed Feb 14 18:07:04 2024] [info]: rt-5.0.3-4014854-1707934024-311.80664-6-0@admin.com.qa #80664/739776 - Scrip 6 On Correspond Notify Other Recipients (/opt/rt5/sbin/…/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:293)
[4014854] [Wed Feb 14 18:07:04 2024] [info]: rt-5.0.3-4014854-1707934024-311.80664-6-0@admin.com.qa sent Cc: bbbbbb@admin.qa (/opt/rt5/sbin/…/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:324)
[4014854] [Wed Feb 14 18:07:04 2024] [info]: rt-5.0.3-4014854-1707934024-706.80664-5-0@admin.com.qa #80664/739776 - Scrip 5 On Correspond Notify Requestors and Ccs (/opt/rt5/sbin/…/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:293)
[4014854] [Wed Feb 14 18:07:04 2024] [info]: rt-5.0.3-4014854-1707934024-706.80664-5-0@admin.com.qa sent To: jair@aaai.com (/opt/rt5/sbin/…/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:324)
[4014854] [Wed Feb 14 18:07:04 2024] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value in eval “string” at /opt/rt5/sbin/…/lib/RT/Action/UserDefined.pm line 79. (/opt/rt5/sbin/…/lib/RT/Action/UserDefined.pm:79)
[4014854] [Wed Feb 14 18:07:04 2024] [info]: TransactionBatch stage is disabled,
fallback to last comment.
Turn on TransactionBatch stages for acurate results. (template:17)
[4014854] [Wed Feb 14 18:07:05 2024] [info]: rt-5.0.3-4014854-1707934025-621.80664-9-0@admin.com.qa #80664/739778 - Scrip 9 On Resolve Notify Requestors (/opt/rt5/sbin/…/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:293)
[4014854] [Wed Feb 14 18:07:05 2024] [info]: rt-5.0.3-4014854-1707934025-621.80664-9-0@admin.com.qa sent To: jair@aaai.com (/opt/rt5/sbin/…/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:324)

Looking at that, it would appear there’s a probably with parameters passed to html2text. Try either removing that or providing one of the other options to html → plain text conversion and see if that helps.

I changed to HTMLFormatter to w3m and its working.

But is there any option to use html2text formatter for conversion.

It looks to me like you have the Python html2text tool installed - GitHub - aaronsw/html2text: Convert HTML to Markdown-formatted text. - but RT is wanting the C++ html2text tool installed - GitHub - grobian/html2text: HTML to text rendering aimed for E-mail .

Going by the command line parameters included in the help output, and what RT is trying to use.