RT upgrade (3.4.5 -> 3.6.x) and DBMS change


I have a rt 3.4.5 install with sqlite. This is awfully slow! Even a
relatively small database (now at 40 MB) makes this system unusable.

I now want to upgrade to 3.6.x (maybe 3.6.1 in Debian Etch, but 3.6.3
custom install is also possible) with MySQL 5.0.

How can I switch the DBMS? Can I do the upgrade in one step or do I have
to switch to 3.4.5/MySQL and then 3.6.x/MySQL?

Thank you very much,


I have a rt 3.4.5 install with sqlite. This is awfully slow! Even a
relatively small database (now at 40 MB) makes this system unusable.

I now want to upgrade to 3.6.x (maybe 3.6.1 in Debian Etch, but 3.6.3
custom install is also possible) with MySQL 5.0.

How can I switch the DBMS? Can I do the upgrade in one step or do I have
to switch to 3.4.5/MySQL and then 3.6.x/MySQL?
As we have no some script for auto-migration from db to db, so I
recommend you first of all export data and import it into 3.4.5 on
mysql, so you can check that things work fine and be able to start
again. Avoid to change some any config options not related to database
to protect yourself from possible side effects.

Thank you very much,

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Best regards, Ruslan.