Has anyone successfully installed RT under Cygwin? I am VERY close, but I
recently found out that there may be problems with running mod_perl under
Apache? Anyway, if anyone has even tried recently then let me know, thanks!
Dustin Puryear dustin@puryear-it.com
Puryear Information Technology
Windows, UNIX, and IT Consulting
Dustin Puryear schrieb:
Has anyone successfully installed RT under Cygwin? I am VERY close, but
I recently found out that there may be problems with running mod_perl
under Apache? Anyway, if anyone has even tried recently then let me
know, thanks!
Yes, but just for development and testing purposes.
The standard windows apache with mod_perl distros work fine.
The cygwin apache with mysql not so. my cygwin problem was mysql, not
mod_perl. Anyway, cygwin apache is too slow, the msvc apaches do work fine.
I was trying to improve the rt2 performance, but mason is just too slow.
So we still are stuck with rt1. I was almost finished with converting
rt1 to mod_perl, but then I had other things to do.
(current ticket id: 317989)
Reini Urban - Programmer - http://inode.at