RT smtp agent config

Hi. I need help regarding RT 4.4.4 We are using MTA Agent Exim4 to send mail. We are using a single domain. In Exim, the username and password of one email address is configured, for example john@test.com. In the RT_SiteCOnfig.PM file, the Set($CorrespondAddress and Set($CommentAddress fields also have this email address entered. However, the RT program is configured so that it can also send messages from other email addresses created in the same domain, assigned to a particular queue, which are not set in Exim4. I need to find out how it can be configured that it works to send other emails, as we need to do a migration to another mail server. I would appreciate any hints. Thank you.

Have you looked at rt-mailgate - RT 4.4.4 Documentation - Best Practical

Are you saying that your Exim server is authenticating clients (so RT in this case), or that it is a local Exim that is acting as a client to authenticate to another remote mail server (possibly an organisation mail hub or ISP to relay mail for you)? Or do you mean you need Exim to send incoming emails to the right queues (as per Garry’s suggestions of looking at rt-mailgate docs above)?

If you mean the case of your local Exim acting as a client to a remote mail transport agent, this is sounding more like an Exim configuration question than an RT one, as you’d want the local Exim to accept anything from RT and then relay it to one or more other remote mail servers. Do you need to use different remote MTAs and/or accounts to authenticate the SMTP transports? In that case you’ll be fiddling with the Exim authenticators and probably have to add entries to your Exim’s client password file (often located at /etc/exim4/passwd.client but that depends on your local set up of course).