RT-Shredder error

Any clue on why am I receiving this error?
“Couldn’t wipeout object: Wrong link link_meta, no record for RunsOn”

Complete error:

I have a 70Gb RT database and I can’t shred my database anymore. I already
ran rt-validator --check --resolve --force.


Wagner Sartori Junior

Any clue on why am I receiving this error?
“Couldn’t wipeout object: Wrong link link_meta, no record for RunsOn”
Complete error:
[1]rt-shredder error - Pastebin.com
I have a 70Gb RT database and I can’t shred my database anymore. I already ran rt-validator
–check --resolve --force.

RunsOn isn’t a standard RT link type, it appears to be from Asset
Tracker. You’ll have to chat with the Asset Tracker devs about how to
shred that kind of link.
