Rt-serializer and rt-importer

I’m thrilled to see an export/import mechanism for RT now - thanks! I
have three RT instances that I will be merging together using these

I have a few questions though:

  1. I see some options in rt-serializer to skip users and groups. Does
    this mean that any users who are attached to tickets, either as a
    requester, owner, CC or whatever won’t be imported during rt-importer?
    Or will they be created on the fly during rt-importer? Or does this
    only refer to privileged users and ACL groups? My plan is to re-build
    the privileged users and ACL groups by hand as we don’t have that many
    of them and the target system uses a different LDAP server via
    ExternalAuth, so I need to look up the equivalent user names on the
    new system manually. So, if I don’t need to worry about those
    privileged users and ACL groups, does that mean I can use those

  2. I see an option in rt-importer to save the old ticket organization
    and ID into a custom field. Will this field be used to look up new
    e-mails that come in to the system via SMTP? Or if someone replies to
    an existing ticket e-mail they’ve received from the original RT
    system, will that create a new ticket in the new system which will
    have to be manually merged with the old ticket?

Is there anything else I should be considering when merging two RT
installations together?

Tim Gustafson
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A

  1. I see some options in rt-serializer to skip users and groups. Does
    this mean that any users who are attached to tickets, either as a
    requester, owner, CC or whatever won’t be imported during rt-importer?

The docs cover this pretty well:

Also available from running rt-serializer --help

  1. I see an option in rt-importer to save the old ticket organization
    and ID into a custom field. Will this field be used to look up new
    e-mails that come in to the system via SMTP? Or if someone replies to
    an existing ticket e-mail they’ve received from the original RT
    system, will that create a new ticket in the new system which will
    have to be manually merged with the old ticket?

We don’t ship any code to implement that, however several clients who
used the importer have written code to do just that. It should be
straightforward to write given RT::Interface::email::ExtractTicketId
as a hook point.


The docs cover this pretty well:
rt-serializer - RT 5.0.5 Documentation - Best Practical

Well, the docs say:

By default, all privileged users are serialized; passing --no-users
limits it to only those users which are strictly necessary.

But it does not tell you what “strictly necessary” means. The
documentation specifically calls out “privileged users” here, but if
I’m not interested in maintaining user privileges from the system that
I’m exporting from, then does using this parameter mean that those
users will be imported only as ticket members, or will privileged
users be re-created in the new system as privileged? Or is this a
flag to say “normally, privileged users are copied even if they’re not
associated with a ticket, but with this flag they’re not copied unless
they are associated with a ticket”?

So, to put my question another way, what’s the proper combination of
command-line arguments to copy over only queues and tickets, and to
not copy any groups or ACLs? My best guess is:

rt-serializer --no-users --no-groups --no-deleted

Also, I was running this command against my production data, which has
about 80,000 tickets in it, and it consumed obscene amounts of RAM.
The rt-serializer hit about 1.3GB of RAM before the machine ran out of
swap, even with a log --gc value and a smaller --page value. I even
tried a --gc of -1 and that didn’t seem to matter either. The whole
database for this installation is a bit shy of 10GB, so I’m wondering
if I need to run this on a machine with at least that much RAM? And
oddly, the dump folder only contained two 32MB +/- files in it when
the process crashed, which is causing me some concern. Does that
imply that it used 1.3GB of RAM to export 64MB of data?

Tim Gustafson
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A

But it does not tell you what “strictly necessary” means. The

Needed to have a complete RT system on the other side.
I’m not sure why you think that an RT with only ticket / queue data is
useful. You lose all the requestors and owners and ccs/adminccs
associated with tickets, which would tend to make the history kind of

I understand that you want to ‘rework your users and ACLs’ but RT will
not just magically pair up your brand new users with the old ticket

–no-users will only export users that it encounters while crawling
other objects, rather than defaulting to serializing all privileged
users and then serializing unprivileged users as needed.

So, to put my question another way, what’s the proper combination of
command-line arguments to copy over only queues and tickets, and to
not copy any groups or ACLs? My best guess is:

I don’t believe you can do this.

Also, I was running this command against my production data, which has
about 80,000 tickets in it, and it consumed obscene amounts of RAM.

You don’t specify an RT version. 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 both contain fixes
for memory usage.

I’ve recently serialized with --clone a larger database in less RAM
than you quote.


I’m not sure why you think that an RT with only ticket / queue data is
useful. You lose all the requestors and owners and ccs/adminccs
associated with tickets, which would tend to make the history kind of

Sorry, I guess I’m not being clear. That’s exactly what I’m talking
about: I want to copy over requestors, owners, CCs and so on, but not
privileged access or group information.

–no-users will only export users that it encounters while crawling
other objects, rather than defaulting to serializing all privileged
users and then serializing unprivileged users as needed.

That was the answer I was looking for, and I think it would be helpful
to add it to the documentation.

You don’t specify an RT version. 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 both contain fixes
for memory usage.


Tim Gustafson
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A

I wanted to follow up with this and let you know that I was able to
get rt-serializer to finally complete by moving the installation to a
machine with considerably more RAM (12GB instead of 2GB). The
serializer process maxed out at about 6.3GB of RAM while serializing
an 8GB database. This is using RT 4.2.2 on FreeBSD 9.2 with Perl

The serializer reported the following statistics when it finished:

Total object counts:
1002902 RT::Transaction
665796 RT::Attachment
257818 RT::Group
182643 RT::GroupMember
62315 RT::Ticket
9027 RT::Attribute
8382 RT::User
4324 RT::Link
988 RT::ObjectCustomFieldValue
312 RT::CustomFieldValue
38 RT::Queue
30 RT::ObjectCustomField
30 RT::CustomField

I’m going to try running the importer next, but I suspect that uses a
lot less RAM.

Tim Gustafson
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A

And one last follow-up about this: here are my import statistics. The
importer used up to about 800MB of RAM, so better than the serializer,
but still pretty high. Also, 108 hours seems like a long time to
import records that took only 4 hours to export, and this is on a
pretty high-end MySQL server. Is there any way to speed things up a

   Elapsed time: 108hr 36min
 Estimated left: 1min 39s

========== Import of soe.ucsc.edu ==========

Total object counts:
1002724 RT::Transaction
665796 RT::Attachment
257742 RT::Group
182469 RT::GroupMember
62315 RT::Ticket
8996 RT::Attribute
8316 RT::User
4324 RT::Link
988 RT::ObjectCustomFieldValue
312 RT::CustomFieldValue
37 RT::Queue
30 RT::ObjectCustomField
30 RT::CustomField

Tim Gustafson
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A

And one last follow-up about this: here are my import statistics. The
importer used up to about 800MB of RAM, so better than the serializer,
but still pretty high.

Both of those (6G for serializing, and 800M for importing) are
definitely higher than I’d expect. If you’re on 4.2.2, then you have
the fixes to explicitly turn off the caching layer.

If you’re interested in poking further, doing some analysis of the
in-memory objects to determine what’s leaking would be helpful.
Instrumenting the main loop of either of the serializer or importer with
Devel::Gladiator::arena_ref_counts to look for what sorts of objects are
leaking might be instructive.

Also, 108 hours seems like a long time to import records that took only
4 hours to export, and this is on a pretty high-end MySQL server. Is
there any way to speed things up a bit?

Yeesh, that’s pretty bad. I’d try running under Devel::NYTProf to see
where the hotspots are – I don’t have any off-the-cuff suggestions.

  • Alex