RT sending emails on behalf of

This is how the email looks like in Outlook sent by RT (4.2.1):
rt-dev@rt-dev.org on behalf of test@rt-dev.org
bla bla bla

Here is my Autoreply template:
Sender: rt-dev
RT-Attach-Message: yes

How can I get rid of “rt-dev@rt-dev.org on behalf of” so only the
test@rt-dev.org appears in email.

View this message in context: http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/RT-sending-emails-on-behalf-of-tp56137.html

This is how the email looks like in Outlook sent by RT (4.2.1):
rt-dev@rt-dev.org on behalf of test@rt-dev.org
bla bla bla

Here is my Autoreply template:
Sender: rt-dev
Subject: {$Ticket->Subject}
RT-Attach-Message: yes

How can I get rid of “rt-dev@rt-dev.org on behalf of” so only the

test@rt-dev.org appears in email.

It’s basically how services like Hotmail/Live/Outlook and Gmail alert
people that the email was sent from a mail server that’s not explicitly
authorized to send mail for that domain. Add SPF and DKIM records for the
sending domain (from domain).

Also… I’d use these headers instead of the Sender header:

RT-Attach-Message: yes

Landon Stewart :: lstewart@iweb.com
Lead Specialist, Abuse and Security Management
Spécialiste principal, gestion des abus et sécurité
http://iweb.com :: +1 (888) 909-4932