So, I spent some time cleaning up the RT projects queue tonight. I’ll paste
it in below. Basically, I’d like to ask that anyone who wants to come forward
and “own” a project or task send me personal mail asking for a login on’s RT instance.
A lot of these projects are interdependent or pororly specified.
(Some of them are just placeholders for now. Like Asset Managment. A number of folks have expressed serious interest in developing or working with RT
Asset Managment. I don’t have time or bandwidth to deal with this except
as relates to its integration with the core. The three or four people
who offered to take the lead on this should definitely bounce me mail
if they actually want to coordinate getting requirements and a spec
put together)
[root@pallas var]# /opt/rt/bin/rtq “RT 2.0 Projects” -status open -format “%n%a12%o10%s42” -orderby area
Welcome to Request Tracker 1.0.3pre1
Num Area Owner Subject
120 Blue Sky Voting / veto / approval
125 Blue Sky Recursive queues?
221 Blue Sky tobiasb@fu #CREATE TABLE TransactionTypes (
203 CLI Full CLI Admin Tools
234 CLI Globalize RT CLI
243 CLI deborah@su Design RT2 CLI
244 CLI Implement RT2 CLI
103 Core jesse@fsck General linking interface
132 Core Validate email anddresses when entered
145 Core jesse@fsck RT: Keywords
197 Core jesse@fsck Design Access Control System
198 Core Implement Access Control System
210 Core Extensions to RT core for “Bug tracking”
211 Core Extensions to RT core for basic "Project M
232 Core Design RT Localization Framework
233 Core Implement RT Localization Framework
200 Database Port RT Schema to PostgreSQL
201 Database Port RT Schema to Oracle
202 Database Port RT Schema to Sybase
193 DBIx Port JVDBIx to Oracle
194 DBIx Port JVDBIx to postgresql
195 DBIx Port JVDBIx to Sybase
228 DBIx dylanv@sem Port JVDBIx to IBM DB2
206 Docs meri@cover Installation Documentation
207 Docs meri@cover Customization Documentation
209 Docs meri@cover User Documentation
116 Future Relea suggestion for 1.1 or later: response temp
143 Future Relea Concurrency checking
222 Future Relea Make status configurable per-queue
236 Localization Localize into French
237 Localization Localize into Spanish
238 Localization Localize into Russian
239 Localization Localize into German
240 Localization Localize into Czech
241 Localization Localize into Mandarin
58 Mail Gateway Addressed based security for RT mail
98 Mail Gateway PGP Mail Security for 2.0
112 Mail Gateway Missing Show/list-commands through MailRT
99 New Modules Cronjob to set priority and eventually gen
146 New Modules RT: Report & alarm-tool
212 New Modules Framework for RT reporting
229 New Modules Specify Requirements for RT Asset Manager
230 New Modules Design RT Asset Manager
135 Security jesse@fsck Authentication problems listed by Tobias
23 WebUI Saving ans sharing searches
105 WebUI Web UI for non-members
107 WebUI [rt-users] minor enhancement idea: next/pr
204 WebUI Full Web Admin Tools
205 WebUI Web UI for requestors
235 WebUI Globalize Web UI
242 WebUI Design RT2 WebUI
245 WebUI Implement RT2 WebUI
jesse reed vincent – –
pgp keyprint: 50 41 9C 03 D0 BC BC C8 2C B9 77 26 6F E1 EB 91
This is scary. I’m imagining tracerouting you and seeing links like “Route
84” and “Route 9, Exit 14”. Obviously, this is illness induced.
–Cana McCoy