RT "pre-sales" question

I am trying to help some co workers with evaluating RT for
implementation. They want the same package for tech support,
development (displacing bugzilla), and IT helpdesk.

I was showing one decision maker a fresh install of 3.4, as well as an
in-use copy of 3.6, and there was a requirement that I couldn’t “click
my mouse three times” and make happen.

The quick version is ‘create “depends on” tickets without re-entering
data’. The long version is as follows:

  1. Ticket comes into tech support queue.
  2. CustEng finds out the problem is because of a bug.
  3. CustEng clicks on magic button.
  4. Data from currently opened ticket in CustSupport queue is brought
    forward into a new ticket in the SwEng queue, which the CustEng
    reviews and then submits. Of course, the CustSupport ticket
    "depends on" the SwEng ticket automagically.


out of the box, RT does not have that behavior, but it should be fairly
straightforward to customize the interface to add a button for that. We
added a “delete ticket” button to the top right of our install, among
other customizations. The following link maybe a good starting point.

Request Tracker Wiki Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 10:26:33AM -0800, Rob Walker wrote:

I am trying to help some co workers with evaluating RT for
implementation. They want the same package for tech support,
development (displacing bugzilla), and IT helpdesk.

I was showing one decision maker a fresh install of 3.4, as well as an
in-use copy of 3.6, and there was a requirement that I couldn’t “click
my mouse three times” and make happen.

The quick version is ‘create “depends on” tickets without re-entering
data’. The long version is as follows:

  1. Ticket comes into tech support queue.
  2. CustEng finds out the problem is because of a bug.
  3. CustEng clicks on magic button.
  4. Data from currently opened ticket in CustSupport queue is brought
    forward into a new ticket in the SwEng queue, which the CustEng
    reviews and then submits. Of course, the CustSupport ticket
    “depends on” the SwEng ticket automagically.


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