RT + Mediawiki anyone?

Hi folks,

We are using mediawiki and rt on the same server (internal docs and small ~5 queries/day helpdesk)

Has anyone got some groovy Mediawiki extensions or rt “plugin” so that our present “shiftlog” system (a wiki page per week) can be extended to semi-automatically be updated at the start of each day with say no of tickets outstanding

I’m probably going to go down the “wiki bot” path at the moment


Andrew Elwell, System Administrator EPCC
Tel 0131 445 7833 (ACF Building)
Tel 0131 650 5023 (Rm 3309, JCMB)

Hi folks,

We are using mediawiki and rt on the same server (internal docs and small ~5 queries/day helpdesk)

Has anyone got some groovy Mediawiki extensions or rt “plugin” so that our present “shiftlog” system (a wiki page per week) can be extended to semi-automatically be updated at the start of each day with say no of tickets outstanding

I’m probably going to go down the “wiki bot” path at the moment

I don’t know about mediawiki, but twiki has a nifty ‘%INCLUDE%’
syntax that among other things lets you make http requests
to other sites appear within a page so you can pull in about
anything you can get from some other web page.

Les Mikesell

We are using mediawiki and rt on the same server (internal docs and
small ~5 queries/day helpdesk)

Has anyone got some groovy Mediawiki extensions or rt “plugin” so that
our present “shiftlog” system (a wiki page per week) can be extended
to semi-automatically be updated at the start of each day with say no
of tickets outstanding

I’m probably going to go down the “wiki bot” path at the moment

Sounds like a cool idea. If you speak python, check out the
pywikipediabot library, which encapsulates that stuff.

– jra
Jay R. Ashworth jra@baylink.com
Designer Baylink RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates The Things I Think '87 e24
St Petersburg FL USA http://baylink.pitas.com +1 727 647 1274

"That's women for you; you divorce them, and 10 years later,
  they stop having sex with you."  -- Jennifer Crusie; _Fast_Women_

This is pretty cool. I wouldn’t mind building a wiki based off of my RT

Let us know what you end up doing.-----Original Message-----
From: rt-users-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com
[mailto:rt-users-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 4:24 AM
To: RT-Users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: [rt-users] RT + Mediawiki anyone?

Hi folks,

We are using mediawiki and rt on the same server (internal docs and
small ~5 queries/day helpdesk)

Has anyone got some groovy Mediawiki extensions or rt “plugin” so that
our present “shiftlog” system (a wiki page per week) can be extended to
semi-automatically be updated at the start of each day with say no of
tickets outstanding

I’m probably going to go down the “wiki bot” path at the moment


Andrew Elwell, System Administrator EPCC
Tel 0131 445 7833 (ACF Building)
Tel 0131 650 5023 (Rm 3309, JCMB)

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