RT localization

Hello list,

            We have installed RT 3.6.1. It  is working. However we 

would like to localize messages generated in the response of
creating/closing a ticket. Our users prefer to receive them in our native
language. What is the safest and the simplest way to achieve this on the
working RT ?

Best regards

Mariusz Stakowski

                            Hello list,

            We have installed RT 3.6.1. It  is working. However  

we would like to localize messages generated in the response of
creating/closing a ticket. Our users prefer to receive them in our
native language. What is the safest and the simplest way to achieve
this on the working RT ?

To localize your templates, you likely need to localize the text from
within the UI. RT can’t automatically detect what language to send
mail to users in.


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