RT is getting slow

Hi All,

since version 3.6.3 my RT installation is getting slower and slower. I found
a way to get the performance back, but i do not understnad why it is doing
this, so maybe some of you can help me:

TR gets slow while opening a ticket to view its details. The status of the
ticket is irrelevant, or what amount of correspondence allready has taken
place. It takes up to minutes, to get all the data of the ticket shown. It
seems to me the part with the reminder data takes the longest time to load.

My workaround for the moment is to check the users-tabel of rt. The more
entries I get here (because of the autocreation of users on ticket
submission), the slower the system gets. The reason is, that the ticket
system is reachalbe fron the internet, so we get a lot of spam, and with it
a lot of automatically created users. So i delete all thiese Spam-users, and
the system is running normal again.

Somebody of bestpractical told me, that thousands of lines in the
users-table could not cause getting rt so slow, it may be the ACL setup,
that lists all users in one of the ownership dropdowns.

In fact, when checking the owner drop-down at the reminder setup of a ticket
there are all users listed, but i do not understand how to configure RT only
to show the privileged users here.

Can anybody help?

Thanks again,

Don’t give everyone the OwnTicket right. Try using RTx::RightsMatrix to
see where they are gettign that right from.

Thomas Hecker wrote:

Hi Drew,

thanks for your reply - but i don’t understand what RTx::RightsMatrix means.

By the way, in the group rights configuration the group unprivileged has
the superuser permission - when trying to delete this, i got an error saying
the right could not be taken away. Is it possible that this circumstance is
responsible for my performance problem? And if yes, how can i fix this?
There is an corresponding line inside the database, but for now, i don’t
wanted to delete this directly inside the database …

Thomas2008/3/12, Drew Barnes barnesaw@ucrwcu.rwc.uc.edu:

Don’t give everyone the OwnTicket right. Try using RTx::RightsMatrix to
see where they are gettign that right from.

Thomas Hecker wrote:

Hi All,

since version 3.6.3 my RT installation is getting slower and slower. I
found a way to get the performance back, but i do not understnad why
it is doing this, so maybe some of you can help me:

TR gets slow while opening a ticket to view its details. The status of
the ticket is irrelevant, or what amount of correspondence allready
has taken place. It takes up to minutes, to get all the data of the
ticket shown. It seems to me the part with the reminder data takes the
longest time to load.

My workaround for the moment is to check the users-tabel of rt. The
more entries I get here (because of the autocreation of users on
ticket submission), the slower the system gets. The reason is, that
the ticket system is reachalbe fron the internet, so we get a lot of
spam, and with it a lot of automatically created users. So i delete
all thiese Spam-users, and the system is running normal again.

Somebody of bestpractical told me, that thousands of lines in the
users-table could not cause getting rt so slow, it may be the ACL
setup, that lists all users in one of the ownership dropdowns.

In fact, when checking the owner drop-down at the reminder setup of a
ticket there are all users listed, but i do not understand how to
configure RT only to show the privileged users here.

Can anybody help?

Thanks again,

The rt-users Archives

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